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after our very delish tacos we just talked more. mariyah was holding her tears in, so tyler just held her so no one would see her cry. me and josh didn't say anything as we knew she would get really upset.

we went to wal mart to mess around a bit. we split up (me and josh duh) and had so much fun. josh grabbed every single oreo packet off the shelf and I threw myself at the cornflakes as i love them. I noticed tyler whizz past with a trolley, mariyah inside it. she legit grabbed anything as she went along. people would stare at us and give dirty looks but we didn't care. a few other people walked in and did the same as us.
the store was crazy and we all got kicked out when we were paying. we got out and bursted out laughing. we didn't care that we got kicked out. we had fun and that's all that matters. we drove home, empty handed.

we got home and mariyah went to the kitchen and said she would make us some snacks. the rest of us went to the living room. then we heard a high pitch, ear piercing scream.

"don't fucking touch me!" we all ran into the kitchen to see mariyah holding someone down to the floor.
"babe what's going on!?" tyler asks.
"one sec" she mumbles, fighting with that person for justice.
"here" josh being strong af, grabbed the person and tyler took mariyah.
I looked on the floor. there was blood.
"who the hell are you!?" josh exclaims to the person wearing black. they punch josh's jaw and ran out of the garden door.

"I'm not fucking down with that asshole yet!" mariyah yells, trying to get out of tylers grip.
"youre fine okay? I got you"
she started crying and ran out of the room. "where'd they go?" josh groans.
"are you okay?" I ask him, helping him up while tyler went to mariyah.
"yeah I'm fine" he says not answering properly.
"your bleeding" I say.
"it's just a bit of blood. I'll just have some water" he shrugs, grabbing a water bottle.

tyler pov
"I'm not fucking done with that asshole yet!" mariyah yells, struggling to get out my grip. I tried to comfort her but she ran out the room. I raced after her and followed her. she slammed her door shut but she didn't lock it. I opened the door - SHE WAS HOLDING A BOTTEL OF PILLS!

"NO!" I kicking her hands. the bottle fell out of her palms and landed near my feet.
"what are you doing?" I whisper.
"I'm sorry" she cried.
"I don't know what I was doing, nor why I was doing it" she sobbed.
"hey it's okay. your okay" I say.
"I'm sorry!"
"stop apologising okay? you didn't do anything wrong. you just felt upset. I get that, okay?" I say calmly.
"I was about to kill myself..."
"maybe I should take you to the doctors-" she cut me off.
"no tyler please no! i-im okay! i-i just...i just wanted to get away from the...the nightmares" she exclaims.
"but your hurting" I started to cry.
"there are only three people in my life who can get a real smile out of me. I don't need medication. I just need you guys" she says, smiling a bit.

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