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 I stood looking out my window, glancing at the others who were marching single file towards my house.

I moved from the window to the entryway to greet the arrivals. Everyone was dressed in their own garments from the various villages on our planet. They wore colorful clothes, dyed from the various plants on our planet. Some had walked far for this event alone.

It was late evening when all three of our moons were full; a rare event on our planet. One of the few times we could connect and get visions of the future.

However, the future is always changing, which means that our visions are not set in stone, but just one possible result. However, we were hoping to see an outcome that would be positive for our universe, and an end to the fear we all live in.

I stood now in my doorway greeting each new arrival. We are a peaceful race. We did not have the same issues as other races on other planets, with their overpopulation, wars, and government. For this reason, we liked to keep to ourselves. We knew each other, and considered ourselves one big family.

Once, everyone arrived they each sat down one by one, next one another forming a circle. I took my place, and met everyone's eyes.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked them simply. Everyone already knew why we had gathered. Some of the younger ones had never done it before, which meant they would not know what seeing into the future would mean for them.

"If everyone is ready, we will join hands, and commence." I grabbed the hands of the ones sitting on either side of me and began to hum in a low purposeful tone. Everyone else followed suite.

We closed our eyes, becoming more engaged to our planets sounds. Our humming grew louder, our minds becoming one. This was the way the visions worked. We had to be linked. Individually, we cannot see into the future, but when the moons were full, we could see visions of things to come. The events were always random, and rarely about us. Often, they were about something in the future good or bad that would happen and have an impact on the entire universe.

Finally, our breathing became one. We were no longer a group of people, but our souls had now joined to create one being. We could feel every emotion, see every thought. It was always an incredible feeling to be in tuned to each other.

We called upon our planets energy, to help us hone in on our vision. Though our visions were usually random we had a specific idea this time. We wanted to see if there was any way to get out of the emperor's evil grasp. He had contacted us before and had wanted us to join his forces. We refused, our abilities were not going to be exploited. We would sooner die then join him.

We felt our planet slowly shift and grant us permission to use its energy. I could feel the energy fill my being as it encircled us. Using the planets energy was risky, the power it held could harm us if we use too much. But we needed to see the emperor's plans, we needed to find a way to save it. It was a risk that we were currently willing to take.

Everything became foggy as the vision began. At first, we did not see anything, but then the fog began to clear, and a scene started to unfold.

We saw the birth a of a little girl. The mother was covered with sweat, but still managed to smile at the sight of her wailing child. The mother closed her eyes, but did not open them again. The nurses and doctors ran around frantically trying to resuscitate her, but could not. A boy about five was overseeing the wailing infant. Nobody saw him pick her up and cradle her, trying to calm her down.

The scene changed again. Now it was no longer about a baby, but a boy who was maybe four or so. He had black hair that almost defied gravity the way it stood up. His dark eyes watched on as his home world was destroyed. He showed no emotions. The emperor stood beside him with a hand on the boy's shoulder, an evil glint in the cruel tyrant's eyes.

The Prophecy- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now