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Misha sat at his kitchen table watching his children make a mess of things, and causing chaos and noise, although he was growing a major migraine, he just smiled and laughed with them. His children were his light, and nothing could ever make him happier.

To them he seemed fine, but they didn't know the pit of rage that grew in his stomach. He heard the front door open. "Kids go upstairs and run a bath, its time to get ready for bed." He said sternly. "Yes, Sir, c'mon Maison" West said grabbing her little hand and walking her upstairs. He got up from the kitchen table, pouring himself a drink. He made his way into the living room, where he find his drunken wife.

"Vicky, how long does this have to go on before the kids start to realize?" He said through gritted teeth. "What?" She asked, her eyes glossy and her face red. "You're drunk." Misha sighed. "Im fine." She said rolling her eyes. Misha set his cup down walking over to her helping her stand up straighter and trying to help her upstairs. "Move! Get off of me, I'm fine." She spat yanking her arm away. "Let me help you, you're drunk." Misha couldn't help but smell a mans cologne on her, and the little passion marks that were displayed all over her neck. He sighed. He was slowly breaking, and his love for Vicky was fading. "Right, little Misha always the bright and shining knight, here to save the day! Well you know what I'm not made of glass!" She spat at him. He was taken by surprise. "What is that even supposed to mean? Im being insulted for being a gentleman? I can be a dick to you if you'd like!" He said in his defense. "Oh please, you couldn't even if you tried." She said slowly making her way upstairs, and she was right he couldn't, it just wasn't in him. "Who is he?" Misha said suddenly balling his fist in his pocket. Vicky stopped in her tracks. "What are you talking about?" She asked her voice a little more hushed. "I can smell him all over you, and the hickies, they're not from me, we haven't made love in months, almost a year." He admits. "So. Who, is he?" He says making his way in front of her. She had tears in her eyes when she looked up at him. "Oh Misha.." she says, in a pitying tone making Misha frown. He began to think she felt sorry for him and it made him furious. "His names Rick, we've only been seeing each other a few months now, around the time we-" misha cut her off. "Stop having sex?" He says quietly, he feels tears whelm up in his eyes. "I want you to get your things and go, im keeping my kids, but we're getting a divorce, I can't have this type of negativity around my children, and I can't have you ruining whatever happiness I have left." He says calmly turning his back to her. "Misha!" She exclaims sobbing. "Im sorry! Ill stop seeing him, I won't drink as much please don't do this!" She pleaded. " Save it Vicky! You're not mine anymore, you let another man in, and you let him touch you and that's just vile, what once was mine is now gone, I can't take this right now. I said what I said and I meant that, now get your shit and get the fuck out!" He yelled at her making her inch back a little. "Daddy the baths ready!!" West yelled from the bathroom. "Here I come buddy." Misha said. "Bring the floaty things! Maison wants them!" West added. "Alright." Misha made his way into the bathroom taking Maison's bath and cleaning her up, then letting west take his bath, and play with a basketball. He had called Vicky a cab and when he was done she was gone. He laid the kids down for bed then headed to his own shower.

He let the hot water fall onto his skin, as he scrubbed away any filth that may have been there, he stood with his head under the water for what felt like forever, he began thinking of his wife and all they accomplished with one other by each other's side and he began to cry and sob. How could she do that to him. Why wasn't he enough?

The next morning Misha got out of bed, he didn't get much sleep, but he was functioning. He made himself a cup of coffee and cooked breakfast for his kids before waking them up. He called Jensen "Goodmorning." He said grimly "uh Goodmorning, everything alright? You sound like someone killed your cat." Jensen chuckles out. "I don't have cat?" Misha says confused. "Dude, you're turning into Cas, anyways what's up?" He asked. "Oh I was calling to tell you I was gonna be late to set, I have to bring West and Maison to my parents house across town, can you stall for me?" He asked. "Yeah sure, where's Vicky? I thought she usually, you know existed." Jensen said. Misha sighed. "Long story, I'll tell you about it when I see you." He said. "Oh, alright, we'll see you then." Jensen said and they hung up.

Misha got his children up, helping them brush their teeth, and getting dressed and packed. After they ate he drove them to his parents house. "Grandpa?"West hyped up. Misha smiled, he loved that they had a relationship with their grandparents. He told his parents about everything that happened, and they agreed to watch the kids whenever he needed them to. He gave everyone a hug and kiss before making his way to the studio.

He got there running into Jared. "Whoa, Misha you like crap! You alright?" Jared said taking an earplug out of his ear. "Ill tell you later right now I have to get ready." Misha said hurrying to his trailer. He was fixing his hair when there was a knock on his door. "Come in" he said. It was Jensen. "We had a brief meeting before you came- God you look horrible, what the hell happened?" Jensen said. "Ugh one more person ask me that- I may just explode." Misha sighed. "What was the meeting about?" He asked ignoring Jensens question. "Well we're supposed to hint at destiel without hinting at destiel, you know give the people hope, but let the directors have something to go off of whilst denying it, the normal evil shit just a little bit more intense." He said. Misha scoffs. "So like more eye fucking? Naughty looks, little less personal space," he asked smirking. "Yeah dude exactly!" Jensen laughs. Jared comes busting in. "We're on!" He says, his hair flopping everywhere.

After they're done Misha Jared and Jensen go to a bar. "So you ready to tell us what the hells wrong with you and why you look like two shaken cats in a bag?" Jared asks. "Whats up with you guys and cats?" Misha asked almost laughing. "Seriously.." Jensen says, concern displayed on his face. And Misha couldn't hold it back anymore. "Vicky cheated on me..I'm divorcing her." He sighs, washing his hands with it. "What!? Why what the hell? I don't understand, I thought you guys were happy." Jared exclaims. "I did too, until some months ago, she started behaving differently, coming home late, getting drunk, she stopped having sex with me, she even smelled of cologne, men's cologne." Misha said rubbing his face. "But I'm fine, considering how long I was dealing with it before it peaked, I just washed my hands with the situation, life goes on." He said. Jensen, was in thought, because Danneel had been doing some of the same things, but he just thought the smell of cologne was just the smell of where she worked considering it was mostly guys anyways. He cuts his thought to comfort his friend. He hugs him rubbing his back. "Im so sorry it all had to happen like that, you guys were perfect for each other." He said and Misha smiled, a tearful smile. "I guess she was just perfect for me at the time, I wasn't for her." He said downing a shot. "But when you've had enough. You just had enough." He says shrugging, wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

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