Panel Pain.

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Jensen panicked as he opened his eyes because he realized he was in Mishas bed. He quickly felt his body. He let out a sigh of relief, he was fully clothed.

Misha was still sound asleep, Jensen couldn't help but stare, the older man was seemingly adorable. Jensen slowly got out of the bed.  He closed the door softly and breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He had made coffee, but realized that there was no creamer for it. He mentally groaned pouring it down the drain.  "Goodmorning" Misha said walking in the kitchen shirtless. "Is it hot to you?" He asked. "No its perfectly cool." Jensen answered eyeing Mishas body. "Hmmph" Misha exhaled. He began coughing. "Are you coming down with something." Jensen asked. "I sure hope not, I have a panel today." Misha said. Jensen walked over to Misha feeling his forehead. "Dude you're hot as hell." He said. "Thanks" Misha smirked wiggling his eyebrows.  "Seriously dude. You need to see a doctor." Jensen told him. "No Im good. How bad can it be.. The fever will go down." Misha said waving it off.

"Im gonna get ready for the day, then go shopping for something to wear to the panel I have later on tonight. Speaking of.. Do you remember anything from last night? I have this sharp pain in my chest, did I get beat up or something?" He asked. "I don't know, but im sure you didn't get beat up, I wouldn't let that happen to you buddy." Jensen says Misha places a sarcastic hand over his heart. " aw Jensen how nice of you. But I can probably beat your ass, so I think I can take some stranger." Misha says turning to walk away. "Yeah we'll see about that." Jensen laughs making pancakes. "You want some breakfast!?" Jensen yelled to Misha. "Yes please!" He called down.

While Misha ate his breakfast Jensen went and got ready for the day.  Misha sipped his coffee, scrolling through all the tweets about his upcoming panel. Jensen walked in the kitchen. "You know Jensen if you don't have anything to do you can come with me." Misha said.

Jensen smiled, he had been waiting for Misha to ask him. "Oh um let me check my schedule."  He fake checked his schedule, "Im free." He smiled.

They  walked around the mall "I can't find anything.. I feel like I always wear the same shit." Misha complained. He couldn't catch his breath so he sat down on the bench. "You okay?" Jensen asked concerned. "No im fine, its just we've been walking for a while I guess I'm just kinda out of breath." He told him. "That would be perfectly normal if you were a 300 pound man, oh and if we've been walking longer than 30 minutes." Jensen told him. "Misha man its not safe to keep pushing your body if you're not feeling well." Jensen said sitting next to him. "Jensen, I'm fine. What are you? My mother?" Misha said standing up. "Sorry for caring I guess" Jensen said laughing. "C'mon, I'll show you where i shop." He took Mishas hand and dragged him to the store, it was filled with band merchandise and dark colored jeans. It was all really exciting. "Look at this shirt, it will look so good on you man." He pulled a gray AC/DC shirt off the rack. Misha tried it on "wow amazing." Jensen said eyeing him.

"I kind of like this look on you." Jensen told him.  The shirt exposed Mishas neck and collar bones. "The chicks will totally dig it." Jensen told him.  "You hungry?" Jensen asked misha. "I don't really have an appetite, but there's a food court here, we can go up there." Misha told him. "Cool" Jensen said.

Misha had only a water, and Jensen came back to the table with a box loaded with Chinese food. "Here I got you a churro. You need to eat something." He said placing the churro in front of Misha. "Thanks.." Misha said. "Oh my gosh! Its Jensen Ackles and Misha fucking Collins!" A girl shouted, she had short hair and overalls on with a tank top, a very childish look. "Ahaa you're just Jensen Ackles but im Misha fucking Collins." Misha teased. Soon they were surrounded by a crowd of fans. "Are you two on a date!?" Someone shouted. Jensens face went red. "Oh absolutely! My hubby here just wanted to take me out shopping for my panel tonight which all of you better be at!" Misha joked, making Jensen blush even more. 

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