Already Away.

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Misha woke up with a groan and stretched his arms out in front of him, for a minute he was starting to wonder why he was in his own bed but then he remembered, Jensen..He sighed and stood up not bothering to change or brush his teeth and he was already on his way to Jensen's.

It was far too quiet, Misha called out Jensen's name. "Jensen?" He called, he started to get worried rounding the corner to Jensen's bedroom just to find the door open. "What the fuck?" He asked himself as he continued forward into the room, the only thing he noticed was a piece of paper taped to the mirror. He quickly ripped it from it's spot on the glass. "The hell?" He mumbled as he began to read it. Misha had already began to run back to his car before he was mid letter already figuring out what Jensen's getting at. No longer what you want Kept playing itself over and over in Misha's head.

Misha's POV

How could I not fucking want him? How could he not be enough? Jensen was getting really good at pissing me off, No matter how many times I called his phone, there was no answer and there was no way I will make it to the airport in time. I slammed on breaks and hit the steering wheel with all of my might, and even though all I want to do right now is punch something or break it, all I sat there and did was cry.

Jensen's POV

All because this was my decision doesn't mean I'm not crying my eyes out in the planes bathroom. It's too late to rethink or change my mind because I'm already half way across the world and I miss Misha like nothing I've never missed before. I was already missing things and I haven't even made it there yet, I miss taking the kids to the park and out for ice cream, Since Misha's been back he's been really busy with his kids, his work, and me, why would I continue to be a burden on him, why would I continue to hurt him? I sighed and wiped my face and splashed it with cold water. I have no intent on having someone waste their life on me, i'm a lost cause, i'm a junkie for crying out loud,not to mention i'm in a dimly lit plane bathroom like a weirdo, a defeated chuckle escaped me before I could stop it, I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I guess it's safe to say that maybe Misha, my parents,everyone hell, would be better off if i just canon balled it right out of that got damn door

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I guess it's safe to say that maybe Misha, my parents,everyone hell, would be better off if i just canon balled it right out of that got damn door.

3rd's POV

Misha's been drowning himself in liquor, which seems to be the best alternative to anything right now, the only beings keeping Misha sane is his children, he found it in himself to forgive Vicky, they were after all, best friends and he always felt that by opening his bedroom door for others would lead to this, but he also always had that feeling that told him he was gay so he figured he owed her an apology as well. "Oh Misha, I knew that since the day we first met each other darling, not a surprise at all, you know i actually thought this would come a lot sooner than it did." She smiled and sipped her wine, Misha rolled his eyes. "You miss him" She stated more than asked, Misha sighed, he was truly heartbroken and didn't really know what to do at this point. "I- I don't even know where he is Vicky, he's somewhere thinking that i don't love him or want him, he feels like i just threw it-us away, fucking idiot." Misha took long gulp of his whiskey. "You taking the kids tonight?" he asked with his best puppy dog eyes.

"You poor poor soul, I feel like such a steaming pile of shit for what I did to you, and now Jensen? Well I don't think he has a choice now does he? i'm going to find where he is, easy

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"You poor poor soul, I feel like such a steaming pile of shit for what I did to you, and now Jensen? Well I don't think he has a choice now does he? i'm going to find where he is, easy." Vicky said before kissing his forehead and heading up the stairs for her children. Misha didn't know whether to feel terrified or excited, when Vicky means business its either or, never in between.

While Misha thought he was going to sleep peacefully in his bed, Jared,Richard,Matt, Rob, and even Osric had completely different plans for him.

Misha's POV

My eyes were just barely open when the chaos begin, it was a cool, quiet, and lonely ass night, to be frank. Before I continue let me just say , when theres a twelve foot moose, along with four other grown men jumping up and down on your bed there's not much else to do but hurl all the alcohol you ingested onto every single one of them. "Ohhh grossss, what is this whiskey? Mishaa you sly dog." Richard said fluttering his eyebrows. "Can i begin by asking What the everlovin shit are you guys doing?" I asked as I got out of the bed finally, almost falling from the dizziness. "A little birdie told us you were free tonight, and you've been a really morbid individual lately so we're taking you out, we didn't come here to debate if we wanted to debate we would've called, get dressed and lucky for you we brought our clothes with us." Jared said, he was being playful, but I knew that somehow this meant a lot to him so I didn't decline, Jared is really inclined to helping others, especially his friends and those he call family. I just happen to be one of the people he calls family.

I had asked where we were going about three million times, "Not telling you, come on dude, my patience is solid gold." Osric whispered to me as I tried to get answers out of him. I groaned and plopped my head against the window. "You guys can talk about him, I'm not gonna explode into tears or anything." I assured them, smirking to myself I could feel the awkwardness settle in, and that made me happy for some reason. My phone vibrated in my pocket so i went to fetch it completely disregarding the huge cracks and glass chips from when i threw it against the wall, which ended in me slicing a clean cut right across my thumb, I was frozen for a second, basking in the warmth of my own blood on my hand. "You good Mish?" Osric asked leaning over studying me and looking from my thumb back to me, i feigned annoyance from the cut. "Peachy" I said with a deep exhale before going back to my phone, it was from Vicky and it was two words and I knew exactly what they were.

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