Welcome Back Catastrophe.

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No Ones POV

Misha walked into his home, and to his surprise it wasn't a mess, it was actually quite clean, he was snapped out of his thoughts when a familiar voice sounded behind him, he turned to face Jared. "Misha?" He asked before yanking Misha into a back breaking hug. "Boy am I happy to see you." Jared said patting Mishas shoulder, "Same here, but where's Jensen?" Misha asked, and watched Jared's face dim a little as he scratched the back of his neck. "I don't think you should see him right now.." Jared said looking over into the kitchen. "What? I've been gone for three years, I need to see him." Misha said walking towards the kitchen. "Misha, Jensens doing bad man, and he won't listen to me or anyone, he barely comes in for work, anymore." Jared said in one exhale. "Let me talk to him." Misha said trying to work his way into the kitchen. "He hates you man... He stopped talking about you after eight months of you not returning, he just completely threw the thought of you away." Jared says. "Well I'll just have to fix that right?" Misha scoffed, and barged into the kitchen, where Jensen sat in a chair, he sat in the opposite one away from him, Jensen never looked up. "Why are you here?" He asked. "This is my house.." Misha answered, noticing the rubber band that's tied around Jensens arm just above the inside of his elbow, which made his stomach turn, and he felt pure anger, but surpressed the urge to act on anger, that was until Jensen scoffed and grabbed one of the needles and started towards his arm, Misha instantly grabbed his wrist, "Let me go!" Jensen said trying to wiggle out of Mishas grip, Misha grabbed Jensen by the throat and stood him up, "Are you out of your gotdamn mind Jensen?" He asked. "No I'm in my right mind." Jensen said pushing Misha off of him. "Jensen it doesn't have to be like this." Misha pleaded. "It does! And it's all on you!" Jensen blurted. "Im out of here." He said walking up the stairs and returning a few minutes later with bags, "Where are you going?" Misha asked. "Home." Jensen said leaving out of the house. "I didn't even get a chance to apologize." Misha said plopping down into the chair, "just give him a few days." Jared said. "Alright, but keep him away from drugs, please.." Misha asked. "I'll do my best." Jared sighed.

That night Misha couldn't sleep, he could barely focus without his thoughts veering back to Jensen, so he did what any normal person would. He got out of bed at four o'clock in the morning, and drove  to Jensens old house.

He knocked on the door and waited, but he didn't hear footsteps or see any lights come on, so he tried turning the knob and to his luck it was open, which he found very irresponsible, he made his way upstairs slowly until he saw a light coming from the crack of a door, he walked towards the door until he heard squeaking, he slowly pushed it open when he saw Jensen getting fucked by another man, his blood boiled and he barged into the room. "What the hell!" The man said as he covered himself. Misha acted on impulse, he's had enough of this shit. He stormed over to the guy breaking his jaw and a few ribs. Jensen rushed Misha tackling him to the ground. "You fucking left me! You left me and you didn't care! You didn't call or text, it's been three fucking years Misha." Jensen broke down in Mishas chest. "I can fix this, let me help you let me fix it I promise I will." Misha pleaded. Hearing the other guy scoff, "he's too far gone." He spat. "I've killed at least a hundred people in the last forty eight hours, I don't mind making it a hundred and one, get out!" He said holding Jensen tight to his chest. "Let's get you cleaned up, I can't stand the smell of him on you." Misha said picking Jensen up carrying him to the bathroom starting a warm shower. "No more drugs, or strangers in your room." Misha said. "I know." Jensen managed to whisper. Misha took him into the bathroom and cleaned him up and then he went down to make dinner. Jensen was suffering with depression and he didn't know how to tell Misha, he was scared and he hated this feeling, he usually has everything under control, Jensen made a soft sound before inhaling deeply, "what have I done to myself?" Jensen said before rushing into the bathroom throwing up into the toilet. Misha sighed and stood up and walked over to the bathroom. It was going to be a long night.

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