New Story coming soon

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I'm starting a new story, its called Don't forget me, and it's based off of the movie Less Than Zero, Misha as Julian, and Jensen as Clay, while instead of a girl, Jared is going to be there his name is going to be something I haven't thought of yet, and Mark Shepherd is going to be Rip.

I'm going to be working on it so I probably won't update as much on As Of Now, and if any of you haven't seen Less than Zero I highly advise you to, especially if you're a RDJ fan, but you're gonna need tissues, ice cream, and possible a brown paper bag for when you start to hyperventilate, and to be on the safe side, have 911 on speed dial!

Keep me posted, let me know if I should write it, I'm doing it based on the late 80s, but I'm terrible with time and keeping things in that time period lol, so I'm gonna rewatch the movie to get a glimpse of how they talk and dress, etc.. anyway wish me luck, or don't it's totally up to you! Thanks!

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