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3rd Persons P.O.V.

Misha pulled up into an old church, they were in the middle of nowhere. Jared had fell asleep on the drive, surprisingly not asking any questions. Misha nudged Jareds arm waking him up. "We're here." He says and Jared nods. "Where are we?" Jared asks wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"Brodie, California." Misha answered. "Why?" Jared asks again. "Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Misha asks, Jareds mouth was agape. Misha got out of the car walking up to the church,and banged on the door. A man answered, he was the same hieght as jared but incredibly buff. "Misha!" The man said snatching Mishas small form in his own his accent clear. "Its been a minute, whos the hottie over there?" He asked, making Jared blush. "Im Jared.." He says walking up and shaking the mans hand. "Jared this is Mercutio, my younger brother." Misha says prying himself from the taller man, now speaking in his accent as well. "Alright, now down to business, you wouldnt be here if it werent serious, whats wrong." Mercutio says, and they all walked inside, there were over  a hundred men welding and moving around with weapoms and ammo. "What is this?" Jared asks. "Family." Misha answers.

Jensens P.O.V.

I open my eyes and quickly shut them, the light blinding me and the ringing in my ears not helping much. "Pretty boy finally awake, I see." A gruff voice says. "were you watching me sleep?" Jensen says mockingly. and he feels a hard punch to his jaw, he lets a grunt. "You see, you took something from me, you dont get to make jokes." The guy says. "What do you want from me man?" Jensen says, feeling defeated, he was beginning to think that he deserves this, and that it was okay because well he didnt feel wanted anyway, it felt like the world was just closing in on him. "You talk too damn much." The man said, punchingbhim again. Receiving another grunt from Jensen. "Why dont you untie me and then swing, lets see what happens then." Jensen says with a bloody smile, the last thing he sees is a clenched fist before he's out again.

No One's P.O.V.

"Misha why are we here?" Jared asks. "And what do you mean family." He continues. "You ask a lot of questions dont you hot stuff." Mercutio says. "What he means is well just what he said, Family. We just about grew up here, With a few other brothers and, the rest being generations of cousins and uncles and such." He says. "We protect the peoplw we love, and do what we have to to survive, but Misha here he got out, found a career, something we all dream of but could never have the guts to do." He finishes. "What do you do?" Jared asks. "I mean to you know survive?" He finishes. "We're like free lacing assassins, we dont ask questions, we just do the job, and they pay, You wouldnt believe the shit ive seen people killed over, some of the most simple shit known to man, ive killed a man once for accidentally hitting a dog, Innocent man he was." Mercutio says and looks to be deep in thought. "You're savages." Jared says in disbelief, he didnt want to believe Misha was once part of this. He was taken out of his thoughts by Mercutios hand around his throat. "We! Are not savages! We do what we do for our Family! For love in hopes that our kids and our kids kids wont have to!" He yells into Jareds face, making him turn red, Misha put his arm on Mercutios arm. "Get a hold of yourself, let him go, you cant be upset that hes a bit taken aback by all of this." He says and looks at Jared who looks livid and uncomfortable. "Jared calm down, we're not going to kill anyone unless we have to, im just picking some things up that we may need." Misha assured him. "I dont like this Misha." He says rubbing his throat. "Yeah and i dont like that my fucking boyfriend is in the custudy of someone who can do him harm and you're acting like a scared preschooler! Get your shit together." Hearing this in Mishas IndiaRussias accent made Jared shiver, it was unsettling seeing Misha like this. "Im sorry." Jared says.

Misha packed his trunk with guns and machetes and ammo. "Do you think we'll need all that?" Jared asks. "I dont know, thats why I have all of it, Mercutio and a couple of my cousins are coming with." He says and gets in the drivers seat. "Misha you must really like this guy." A guy with car oil splayed all over his body says. "I love him Jasper." Misha says and Jasper nods, his face becoming more serious, almost like saying i love him was code for something. Jared felt uneasy, for the first time in his life he felt scared, and he hadn't realized just how serious things were, up until now.

"Where are we going now?" Jared asks. "I swear you ask one more question im gonna-" Mercutio was cut off by Misha. "You're not gonna do shit, Jared shut up and ride, if you dont feel comfortable i can drop you off at home." Misha says, he was gettibg aggravated and Jared has never seen Misha like this, a dead look in his eyes you can almost feel the anger radiating from his body. "Its fine." Jared said sitting back.

They pulled into the driveway of a small house. "You guys stay until I send a message that I need you." Misha said "Yes sir" Mercutio said in unison with the rest. Jared stirred, trying to figure out how Misha could have held so much power in a matter of hours. Misha made his way to the front door before knocking, A short old lady answered the door,"May I help you?" She asked. "Can I come in?" Misha asked. "Oh yes, yes please." She said motioning for him to come in. He walked into the house and heard the door close behind him. "Cam i help you to anything? Cold water, a snack" She asked in which Misha politely turned down. "I've gathered from my sources that this is the home of a Kaleb Hathaway? Father of Charles and  Philip Hathaway?" He asked hands behind his back, "Are you a cop?" She asked, eyes widening, Misha chuckled. "No actually im not, but Philip may be involved in something dealing with a very important man and if he is, I'd like to know where he is." Misha said. "Im just the housekeeper dear" She said. "Is Kaleb here?" He asked, Her face went white. "Uhhh No, you dont want any business with Mr.Kaleb" She said Misha clenched his jaw, He was growing impatient. "Leave him a message, for me will you?" Misha said. She nodded, before Mishas hands were around her throat. "Tell him, I want my fucking boyfriend" He said through clenched teeth before throwing her to the ground, she was in tears and shaking, Misha fixed his jacket and left.

Apon getting back in the car he heard Jared. "Well?" He asked. "A bust." Misha said. "I think its time we pay an old friend a visit." He said putting the car in reverse, and driving off. "Who?" Jared asked. "Daneel" Misha said a mug look on his face.


"You killed the closest thing to me." Philip spat in my face. "The closest thing to you took something from me, then he had the audacity to go to my house, and have sex with my wife in my fucking bed, I dont give a fuck about him or you. He died on his own hands, if you're gonna sleep with someones wife, know how to fight." I spat back, receiving a quick punch to the nose, i struggle against the chains holfing my hands captive. "Let me out! Untie me you son of a bitch!" I scream. watching him flick a pocket knife open and put it to my cheek. "You're pretty when you bleed" He whispered before cutting through skin, i grit my teeth to keep from screaming. Im not showing any weakness, he snickered and i head butted him, hearing his nose crack. He yelled out in pain throwing another punch to my face, at this point my face is numb and throbbing, spweing out blood like no tomorrow, I let out a small chucke before inevitably passing out.


I begin to grow impatient, and frustrated, everyone was argueing and rambling on and on. "Everybody! Shut the fuck up!" I yell, silencing the car. "We're not gonna hurt her, she's pregnant. I just need answers, Mercutio you're coming with me." I say parking the car, then we embark on the journey of interrogation.

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