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"So what bar are we going to?" I ask sitting down next to Jared in the back seat of the SUV. "The Burban Broad" was his simple answer. "Sounds fancy" I said. "Oh its fucking awesome" Jared said moving nonstop in the seat beside me. "Jared dude are you okay? Youve been super hyper lately." I asked. "Oh im great, im off 4  red bulls right now, and might crash at any given moment! But its all kinda exhilarating right?!"  he blurted. "Your eyes are bloodshot Jared..I dont think this is healthy." I say. "Chill man! ive had six red bulls all at once before and i lived, But its kind of like drinking alcohol you wake with a bulging headache." He said. "And you want to add alcohol on top of the energy drinks because?" I asked laughing. "Shut up." Jared laughed. "Why are you drinking so Many energy drinks anyway?" I ask. "Ive been getting little after little sleep, every since Gen has had the kids, and Thomas's ADHD is getting worse." He admitted. "Geez..How about this when the convention is over, we all go back to a cabbin i have in the mountains, I believe we all deserve a little break." I say patting him on the back. "That sounds fucking spectacular!" He said, punching the roof on accident. The car stopped and not too long after our doors were opened.

Me and Jared had sat at the bar for almost 30 mintutes waiting for Jensen. "Hey I'm gonna go call and make sure everythings okay." I said standing and walking away from the noise of the bar. the phone rang until i was sent to voicemail. I called again but this time it went straight to voicemail. what the hell. This was so not like Jensen.


I kiss ny parents goodbye, and make my way back to the parking lot of the hospital, I have this feeling im being watched, so I look around to see no ones there, I shrug and start to unlock my car, when i see a reflection in the mirror, i duck just in time to be missed and the tire wrench goes smashing into my window I turn and punch the guy in the ribs and he goes stumbling to the ground. "What the hell do you want?" I asked not taking my eyes off of him. He let out a forced laugh. "You're head on a fucking stick!" He said swinging the wrench at my head unexpectedly, the last thing I remember is the taste of blood, and my pocket vibrating


I unlocked my house door, and rushed inside Jared behind me. "Jensen!" I blurt running up the stairs, checking his room then my own. "He isnt here Jared!" I say running back down the stairs. "Okay Misha, don't panic, maybe he's just staying at the hospital with his parents" Jared says. "Oh right, i didnt even think about that." I said pulling my phone out to call his mom. "Hello?" She answered,"Mrs.Ackles! I was wondering um is Jensen there?" I asked. "He actually left like an hour ago, why is everything alright?" She said as I can hear a bit of shuffling on the other end. "He isnt answering or returning any of me or Jareds calls, which is very unlike him, it was just a little alarming, im sure you have nothing to worry about." I assured her. "Alright dear, let me know if he calls or shows." She said, i gave her small mhm and we hung up. "Dude...He left the hospital an hour ago." I said. "Man this doesn't sound good at all." Jared said running his hand threw his hair. "Im calling Cliff" He says again pulling his phone out. My phone started to ring. "Hello?"  I answered. "Misha! My baby! Oh God my baby!" I hear Mrs.Ackles say. "Whats wrong? what happened?" I asked panicked. "Its Jensen! His car is here and his window is busted and theres blood!" She said all in one breath. "We're on our way." I say and hang up. Fuck i shoud have comforted her! "Jared we have to get to the hospital ill explain in the car." I say rushing out the door.

3rd Perseon POV

Misha frantically explained everything. "Misha calm down!" Jared finally says getting Misha to shut his mouth, he gritted his teeth. "I swear for God if anyone hurts him im going to catch a case." Misha says, gripping the steering wheel. "Everything is going to be okay, maybe he slipped and hit his head on the window, and checked himself into the hospital." Jared tries but even he knew that was unlikely. Misha had tears streaming down his face now. "We better hope." Misha says. "Jensens life is going to shit! And i feel like its my fault and i dont know why! I just want him to be fucking happy, he deserves to be fucking happy!" Misha blurts. "None of this is your fault Misha, Jensen is just reckless.He can't control it, he just gets so angry and does stupid shit." Jared says placing his forhead in his hand while placing his elbow on the window.

As soon as they arrived to the hospital, there were cops and Jensens mother standing talking to one. As they approached the cop turned his attention To Misha and Jared. "Im gonna ask a few questions, if thats alright, Im officer Denis." He finishes. Misha only nods. "Where were you two between the hours 11-3?" he asks and Jared answers. "At the bar waiting for Jensen, then we went to Mishas house looking for him." Jared says pointing to Misha so that the officer could get an understanding of who Misha was. "When was the last time you spoke to Mr.Ackles?" The cop asks. "At our last panel, we said our goodbyes and he said that he was coming here to check on his dad, and then he was going to meet us at the Burben Broad" Jared answers again. "You seem quiet." the cop turns his attention to Misha. "Well, its just he's been going through a lot as it is, and im here looking at all of this and its all seemingly so real now" Misha says sassily. "Right, Um from my understanding, You and Mr.Ackles shared a more profound bond? Romantically?" The officer says and Misha scoffs, was he trying to make a joke? "Yes. He was my boyfriend." He answered. "What do yall think could have happened?" Jared asks. "It looks like a kidnapping, we found a wallet." The officer says and motions for them to follow. he showed them the wallet. "Does the name Philip Hathaway mean anything to you all?" He asks. "The last name, Jensen he got into an altercation with a Charles Hathaway not too long ago, Charles died of injuries." Misha says abruptly, eyes popping. Misha felt his blood boil. "Thank you." The officer said, then begin to walk away. "Wait! Whats gonna happen to Jensen?" Misha asks stepoing forward wrapping his arm over his stomach,where he felt a painful knot form. "Well judging by this blood splatter and the information you just gave, im assuming here, but it might be an eye for an eye type of crime." The officer answered, Mishas eyes were glossed over and Jared took Misha into his arms as the both of them cried. "Theyre going to find him." Jared says. "It does no good if hes dead when they do!" Misha yelled pushing away from Jared. "Hey im not the bad guy here" Jared says calmy putting his hands up in surrender. "Right..Im sorry." Misha says turning on his heel then rushing to his car. Jared behind him, the doors slam shut as Misha starts the engine. "Where are we going?" Jared asks. "To find my fucking boyfriend." Misha answered determination in his eyes.

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