A Lot Going On.

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We had finished shooting for the day, and we were all in Jareds trailor. "You guys have been awfully quiet.." Jared says handing us each a beer. "Whats up?" He asked sipping at his drink. "Everything man." Jensen says. "okay, I know about the Daneel situation, but I have a feeling im not entirely filled in on everything." Jared saids. "My dad was hospitalized last night, Im emotionally stressed, gay, slowly slipping into depression-" Jared cuts him off. "Your dad was hospitalized? What happened?" He asked sitting up straight. "He had a stroke, but everythings gonna be fine" Jensen assures him. "Oh thank God." Jared says exhaling, standing up making his way to the kitchen. "You guys want lunch?" He asks. "Yes." I answer before Jensen can turn it down. Im starting to think Jared didnt hear Jensen say gay, until he slowly looks up from making a sandwich and tilts his head a little. "Jensen did you..Did you just say you were gay?" He asks, and i stifle a laugh. "Yes, with Misha." He answers. and I nod gulping down my beer. "Indeed." I say. "Hmm" Jared huffs. "You know how much money im bout to make." He says cheefully. "What?" Jensen asks. "Oh nothing bets." Jared shrugged it off before coming back handing us each a sandwich. "How long?" he asks. "In real life, a day. but i think we've been together for far longer, when you set things in perspective." I say taking a bite of my sandwich. "Jensen really, how are you?" Jared asks. "Im making it Jay." Is all he says.


"Are you ready?" I ask Jensen. "Im nervous, but thats normal." He tells me. "I love you" I tell him. "I love you too." He says back pulling in between his legs, and lays his head on my chest. "Everythings gonna be okay." I tell him. "I know, because everytime you tell me its gonna be okay, it always is." He says and i rub his back. "Jensen you're on." Jared says.

I stay in view so that Jensen can see me, we all watch him from the side of the stage. "Hey guys, I um Ive been going through  a lot lately, I feel like i can tell you guys anything, because well youre always there, and youre all so considerate." He starts, and I watch Jensen tell the crowd everything his voice cracking as he begins to cry. "Misha, i think he needs you." Jared says. and my feet are moving, i go to him and he falls into my arms. "Shh, its okay, i got you. You can do this" I tell him, rubbing his back. he sniffles. "Okay." He says going back to the mike, "Im sorry about that." He laughs, and the crowd aws. I make my way back to where I was before. "This first song, well all of these songs can explain almost every emotion coursing through my body." He says, and the music starts. I recognize the first song as Brother by Need to breath. His voice is beautiful.

As the song ends,  I can see him rub his thigh, which always indicate that hes nervous, and as the music plays i know its Take me to church by Hozier,and the crowd starts going insane. I put my hand to my mouth. He's coming out. He looks at me and sings the chorus. I feel tears whelming up in my eyes. As soon as the song ends he comes rushing to me, and crashes his lips to mine. "I love you." He says in an exhale placing his forehead on mine. Then going back out on stage. The music starts and he immediately starts singing, his voice something new like hes been practicing.

I've never actually heard this song, but when he sings it its almost as if ive listened to it on repeat. "Hold, Hold on, hold on to me, because im a little unsteady.." This song is perfect for him right now. I begin to cry, and so does everyone else. Jensens hand begin to shake around the mike, but he continues to sing his heart out, tears streaming down his apple red face, as soon as the song stops he thanks the crowd and speeds off the stage, and crash into me and i hug him tight. "That was beautiful." I whisper to him, and he crys into my neck. "I think im gonna leave early, to go check on my father." He says. "Okay, do you need the house keys?" I ask him. "Idk..I think Jareds going out after this and I was hoping you'd go so we can all just finally have a drink together, i feel like we havent in a while." He says. "Alright yeah, thats fine." I tell him drying his face. "You've been crying so much." I tell him "I know, im such a girl." He says laughing. "You just have  a lot going on, I have some medicine back at my house, i know your head has to be throbbing by now." I say and he nods. "Its so severe." He says dropping his head to my shoulder laughing. "Misha its us" Jared says walking up and squeezing my shoulder, and patting Jensens back. "I dont want him to leave.." Jensen whines. "Awe." Jared says with big dough eyes. "Aright i have to go now, I love you." I tell him wrapping my arms around him, giving him a quick kiss.

{This was super short, My B}

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