Im Coming Baby.

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No Ones POV_

Misha and Mercutio walk to the front door both wrapping it with immense force, before a short Daneel opens it with a sneer. "Who The- Misha" Her face calms when she sees who it is, Misha can't  help but notice the fading of a black eye and  the scab on a split lip. "Daneel." Misha says pushing his way into the house. "Im sure you're aware that Jensen has been kidnapped?" He asks and she scoffs. "Whats it have to do with me?" She asks rhetorically. "It has everything to do with you." Misha managed to say with a  clenched jaw, anger bubbling inside of him. Jensen told her to stay away, if only she would have fucking listened. Misha started to walk towards her but saw the faint bump under her shirt and realized he can't, no matter how much he wanted to, he cant slap the shit out of her, and this is new to him because he has never hit a woman a day in his life and seeing Daneel standing here without a care in the world made him want to stump her face in, he was beginning to think she had something to do with it. "He was still your husband, you fucking bitch" Misha says finally the anger jumping off of his forehead in little beads of sweat, a vein popping in response, Mercutio places a hand on Mishas shoulder. "So, you were close with the Hathaways." Misha says, never breaking eye contact and if looks could kill. Daneel begin to grow uncomfortable and shuffled a little on her feet. "So, they have nothing to do with it they're mourning, that monster beat the father of my child to death!" She blurts eyes popping. "You seem to be angry." Mercutio says. "Damn right im angry, im infuriated!" She says. "That bastard deserves whatever it is thats coming to hi-" before she could finish Misha had his hand wrapped around her throat and back pressed up against the wall, Mercutio watched, knowing how his older brother works. "Where is he!" Misha screams. Dani tries shaking her head, tears clouding her vision she manages to squeak out a small "I dont know" Her face was a crimson red and Misha released her dropping her to the floor, pulling the gun from his pants. "Bullshit! Tell me! Tell me now! I know you know!" He screams again cocking the gun,"Misha please, why are you doing this!" She pleads and Misha groans from frustration, never noticing Mercutios scuffle behind him, until a click pops him out of his anger induced daze, Mercutio breaks the guys hes fighting with arm and smirks a chuckle waiting for his brothers move, which came quickly as Misha turned snatching the gun punching the guy in the gut and head butting him as he lurches forward in pain, the man throws a punch and Misha dodges it growing aggravated due to the mans predictability, he finally just shoots the guy in the knee, the man lets out a load scream of pain. "Muh knee! Yeh shot meh in meh feckin knee!" The mans funny accent made both Misha and Mercutio burst into laughter. Mishas laughter stopped as he heard Dani trying to escape, he took her by her hair slinging her to the floor. "Tell me, its obvious you know now, or so help me God i will tear you limb from limb and discard of your unborn child in this guys asshole." Misha spat through gritted teeth. Dani let out a cry before saying in defeat. "He's in Dumsmuir, thats all I know i swear!" She says and Misha smiles, finally a lead. He leaves them and Mercutio follows behind. "So what we're just gonna look in every single corner, until we find him?" Mercutio questions. "Of course not, I have a plan." Misha says opening the trunk grabbing handcuffs and rope. "Tradeoff?" Mercutio asks. "Indeed, if not I kill the guy. Simple." Misha shrugs. "But what if in retaliation they kill Jensen." He questions as they make tbeir way back into the house, Seeing Dani squatted placing a bandage on the guys knee her head snaps up before she takes off upstairs, Mercutio goes to go after her, "Leave her, the last thing i want is for her to lose her baby, we dont just go around killing pregnant women, we're not savages." Misha told his younger brother. "Right" Mercutio says. As he bends down and grabs the other guy by the throat standing him up, then clawed his way into the mans bullet wound making him cry out in pain, "You're gonna take us to Jensen." Misha says, the mans breathing quick and short, little beads of spit flying from his gritted teeth. "Ore What?" The man finally manages to ask. "You die, along with the pregnant woman upstairs, and your family and so on." Mercutio answers. "Where is he at in Dumsmuir?" Misha asks. "Kill me." The guy says, Misha groans and rubs his temple with the barrel of the gun, before letting out a laugh of impatience and hitting the man in the head with the gun. The man grunts, "Whats your name?" Misha asks, distracted  by the drizzle of blood dripping from the mans forehead. "I mean you're gonna die anyway." Misha says. "Go feck yerself" The man says. Misha sighs, before reaching into the mans back pocket fishing out his wallet and cell phone. Opening it he noticed, a Harry Hathaway "So you're definitely kin." He laughs, he was beginning to get a tad bit angrier. To his surprise, the phone wasn't password protected. "You are a fucking moron." Mercutio says, Misha scrolls through the contacts to find a Phillip. "Whats your relationship with Phillip." Misha asks, when the man remains quiet he sighs, and turns his gaze to him before reaching into his pocket pulling out a silencer and twisting it onto the gun he aimed it at the guys head and watched pleading eyes as he pulled the trigger.  They left the house with the phone. "Check the messages." Mercutio says. Misha sits inside the drivers seat completely focused on the phone he opened the first message being from a Sarah but she's far from family considering the nude pictures and sexts he read that made him cringe, the second being a Phil he read the messages, in a hurry eyes stinging with tears as he saw the location in which he needed. "Im coming baby" he whispered only to himself , his excitement getting the better of him resulting in a huge grin. "Oh my God you found him" Jared said in astonishment, misha only nodded and switched gears heading in the direction of Jensen. "What exactly do you plan on doing once you get there?" Jared ask."Well I'm killing phillip for one, then im getting Jensen and getting the fuck out of there." Misha states.


I wake up in a cold sweat, to a conversation, I fake sleep to hear them speak. "You fucked up! Dad's here!" One yelled. "What do you mean dad's here, how does he even  know?" The  other questions.  "That bitch Daneel, got scared after some Misha came. And killed uncle Harry, she called dad and ratted." He said my stomach clenching at mishas name, he couldn't have killed anyone. I open my eyes to see them staring at me. "Good he's awake, get him and hide him."  The guy said manhandling him, and he started  untying my hands from around the pipe holding my arms above my head, too weak to fight back I complied being pushed into a small room and hearing the lock click. I couldn't fight but I could yell. "Help!" I screams as I heard another man join conversation. The door crept open and a small man with a beard, he looked friendly. "So you're  the man that beat my son to death?" He asked. "Im so sorry sir" I say, meaning it. "I never meant to kill anyone, its just my wife..I-I-" He cut me off. "It's okay, I didn't arrange this and I'm letting you go, if you promise to never speak of this again." The man said walking closer. "Why?" I ask as he unties my wrist, "Sit down." He says. I do as he say and he sits across from me. "Almost 20 years ago, I too found my wife in bed with another man, in a fit of rage I killed him, but I killed my wife too, biggest  regret of my life, I went to jail for 18 years, my sons were left with no parents, I was rotting away, my life was catastrophic, thats why I'm letting you go, you don't deserve this I know what it feels like, you forget what you're doing until it's done."


I pull into the compound where their keeping Jensen, and get out with the rest of everyone else, I open the trunk and issue everyone a gun. "So how is this going to go? We just go in there guns  blazing?" Jared asks. "Exactly." Mercutio answers. We make our way into the front door. "Who The hell-" a guy said reaching for a gun before I  shot him, he dropped to the floor with a thud. "Jasper and Kevin, look over there, Mercutio and Jared there, I'll take this way."  I say pointing in each direction. "Wait Misha you can't go alone." Jared protest before I could answer  Mercutio does "Dude..Yes he can, you don't know this Misha" Mercutio says dragging him off. I bust the doors open shooting everyone in eye sight, I spot a man standing at the end guarding a door, with his eyes shut and head leaning against the door with ear buds in. I shoot him in the chest and burst through the doors, I see the guy on the ID and identify him as phillip, he was talking to another guy. I shoot the other guy in the leg, and he fell hitting his head on the wall knocking himself out. I run to Phillip  hitting him upside the head with the barrel of the gun, and knock his gun out of his hand. "Where is he gotdammmit!?" I ask pointing the gun at his head. "He's right here! Please don't shoot my son!" I heard  another voice dropping Phillip to the floor, I see a beat up Jensen supporting his weight leaning against the door frame. I run to him and trap him in a hug. "Mish-Misha?" He says his voice cracking. "Yes, baby I've got you, where else are you hurt?" I ask frantically. "Just the entirety of my face" He smiles, joking, of course he is. I turn to Phillip who was being shoved off the ground by his father, My face turns up in anger. "who did this to you?" I ask Jensen, my voice complete rage. "It's okay, Mish you don't have to hu-" I cut him off. "Damn that! Who was it?" I ask again, making him flinch. "Him" He said pointing to Phillip. I aim the gun. "No misha! Too many people have died!" Jensen says. "No more" He says clenching on to my coat, voice cracking and hoarse. "Alright." I say wrapping my arm around his waist and backing out of the room, pointing my gun at Phillip, "I dont want to ever see your face again, I will kill every single piece of family you have." I said, and turning around picking Jensen up and heading to my car, calling everyone, everyone seemed bored, come to find out all the people were where I was they didn't even think to fill the place up. "So you killed all of them?" Jensen asks. I sigh, "Jensen, I never thought I would have to ever do this again, but you mean the world to me, If I would have lost you, I don't know what I would've done, yes I killed them, all of them." I said,"it's okay, it was kinda hot." He said and I laugh, taking my coat off and wrapping it around him as he laid in the front seat.

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