A Living Nighmare.

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"Help! Stop it! Let me go!" She yelled. She couldn't get him to leave her alone. "Just please stop!" "But sweety,we can be together. I can be the man of your dreams." "Noooo! Han,please rescue me." Oh. Leia is being held captive by some freak. His name is Kero Fisco. He has an insane crush on our Leia. So, he took her when she went on a walk and has had her for two hours. "I will never let you go! I know you love me!" He yelled. "Leia!" Someone yelled running into the old beat down shack Leia and the freak were in. Leia,however,could've sworn she had heard that voice before. She now knew who it was. After shooting Kero,he ran to Leia. "Don't worry princess,I got you. I'm going to get you out." He said. "Han!" Leia shouted now beginning to cry. After he freed her from the ropes,she collapsed into his arms. "He....he's a monster!" She shouted. "I know,Leia.......I know."
                         The next day
Everyone was on the Falcon,on the way home to endor after saving Leia from kero. "Hey,Leia." Han said walking into her cabin on the Falcon. She just nodded. "Leia,are you ok?" Han asked. "No! No I'm not! Han,this has messed me up! I am so scared!" Leia yelled. "Oh no! Leia,I am so sorry. I would do anything to take this away from you." Han said now hugging her. "Han,I had a nightmare last night. Han,he killed you and forced me to marry him. Han,don't leave me! Promise me you won't!" Leia yelled as loud as she could. "Leia,I will never let anyone take me from you and I wouldn't dream of leaving you! Heck,I would be his tail for trying to take me." Han said trying to make Leia laugh. She didn't even crack a smile. She is way upset. "I.....love you,Han" Leia said trying to calm herself. But she looked up at Han and burst into tears again. "Hey,hey,Leia calm down." Han hated more than anything to see her like this. "I'm sorry....." She said. "I'm going to check on chewie." Han said getting up but Leia pulled him back down. "Please don't leave me. Please don't go........please stay." She whispered. "Ok." Han said back
They arrived back home to endor immediately welcomed by Luke. "Leia! Han,you brought her back!" Luke excitedly exclaimed. "Hey,easy,she's shaken up real bad. It'll take her a while to get over it. Like,I'm going to probably have to be in here sight at all times." Han whispered to Luke. "Oh boy." Luke whispered back. "Hey,it's late. Can we go home to the hut?" Leia asked. She just wanted to be alone.......with Han. "Yeah,of course." He answered back. They arrive at the hut. "Han?" "Yes,love?" "Can I tell you something?"  "Yes,love." Leia looked up at him. "I...I'm scared to go to sleep tonight. I'm scared because I know I'm going to have a nightmare again. And I am so scared!" Leia exclaimed. "Leia,I will be right beside you." Han reassured her. "Oh,ok. Well,I know that.....but still." She turned away. Pain and sadness taking over her. "Can you do me a favor?" Leia asked Han. "Yes,love?" "Hold me." Leia ran into him. About a few minutes later Han said,"Yes.......love."

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