Double the trouble!

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              FOUR MONTHS LATER
"Leia." Han said nudging Leia. "Leia,it's time to get up. We have to find out if we are having a boy or girl." "Today's the day!" Leia excitedly yelled sitting up fast. She jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel. "I have to take a shower. But I will be faster than ever." Leia said running to the fresher. She took a shower and got dressed. "Come on!" She yelled. "Leia,I have to shower too." Han said. "No way. Hurry up!" Leia yelled pushing Han to the fresher. "Geez,Leia, calm down." Han said. Han finally got out of the shower. But,it took him forever to get dressed. "Can we go now?" Leia asked irritated. "Yes,now come on." Han said walking to the door to open it. They got their to the Medical Bay. "I am so nervous." Leia said shaking a little. "Leia Organa." Some nurse said. "Solo." Han corrected the nurse. "My mistake." The nurse said. She showed them to a room for them to wait for the doctor. "I am so excited,Han." Leia said. Right after she said that,the doctor came in. "Let's check on your baby." The doctor said. He put the gel on her stomach and the thing to rub on the scanner. "Congratulations. You are having twin boys!" The doctor exclaimed. "Uh,what?" Leia asked.
"You are having twins!" Mara yelled. "Boys!" Luke added. "Yes," Leia said. "We found out last week." "I....I can't believe this." Mara said. "I am so happy for you." Luke said hugging his sister. "Have you told Chewbacca?" Mara asked. "No,we are flying to kashyyyk to tell him now." Han said. "Well, then go!" Mara exclaimed. "Are you sure? We can stay a little longer." Leia said. "Yes,go tell chewie." Luke said. Leia and Han said goodbye and they started out for kashyyyk. They are going to stay one week. They arrive immediately greeted by Chewbacca. "Hey sissy! Hey cub," Chewbacca said hugging Leia and Han. "What brings you here?" "Chewie,we are having twins.......twin boys." Han told Chewbacca. "Seriously! Sissy,you're......twins!" Chewbacca growled. "Yes,chewie." Leia said giving him a hug. "Now,we are staying here for about a week." Han said taking the suitcases out of the Falcon. "Yeah,we want to visit you because in about two months I won't be able to travel anymore." Leia said.
That night,they stayed in Chewie's little tree house. Well,that's where they'll be staying. "I'll fix dinner." Leia said getting up from her chair. "Ok. Tomorrow,do you want to go to the lake. It's very nice." Han told Leia. "Yeah sure. Only if chewie can come." Leia said pointing at their wookie friend. "Yeah,I'll come. I practically go there everyday." Chewbacca roared. "It's settled. We will eat breakfast in the morning and then go." Han said. "Great." Leia said. They ate their dinner and went to bed. Leia,however,had a hard time going to sleep. She doesn't do well with change. It's now 0450 in the morning and Leia hasn't gone to sleep and Han wakes up. "Leia,what are you doing?" He asked her. "I can't sleep." She said with a frown. "You mean you haven't gone to sleep yet." Han said. "No,I can't. I'm sorry to wake you,go back to sleep." Leia said turning over. "Leia,I've got plenty of sleep. You need to rest so you won't be in a bad mood tomorrow well later." Han said. "I know,but I can't! You know I don't do change well." Leia said. "Ok,well,try to go to sleep for me,ok." Han said. "I will." She said. She finally drifted off to sleep and woke up at 1100. "Sorry,I slept late. Can we go now?" Leia said walking into the little mini kitchen. "Eat first." Han said pushing a plate to her. She ate the breakfast Chewbacca made,and they left for the lake. They even packed a picnic lunch. They got there and immediately got in the water. "This is such a nice place." Han said. "Speaking of which.....Han,I want to move here." Leia told him. "Really? Leia,are you sure?" Han asked. He was very surprised to hear the former Alderaan princess say this. "Yeah,this would be a nice place to raise the boys." Leia said. "I don't know,Leia. I don't think that's a good idea." Han said. "Oh come on,Han! Why not?" Leia said with a little frown. "I don't know,it's a little's too much wookie." Han said. "Hey!" Chewbacca roared. "We will talk about this later,I want to enjoy myself." Leia said walking towards the water.
"Why not!" Leia yelled. "Leia,come on!" Han yelled back. "You know what,fine!  We will raise him on Endor. I cannot believe you are this mean." Leia said holding back tears. "I just think this kashyyyk thing is a bad idea. It's too dirty and swampy. I just don't want to raise my sons here." Han said trying to end the fight. Him and Leia are on the Falcon on the way back home to endor. Leia left the cockpit furious and went to her little cabin on the Falcon. "He just doesn't understand!" Leia yelled as loud as she could. Han could here her,but didn't acknowledge it. "I hate him!" She yelled again. "Leia! Get in here!" Han yelled. Leia,embarrassed,walked into the cockpit. "Leia,please don't be mad at me. I just want what's best for the boys." Han told her. "I know,I like the atmosphere there. You know?" Leia said sitting in the co-pilot seat. "And we have Mara and Luke on Endor. Because the boys need their aunt and uncle." Han said. "You're right. You're always right." Leia said. "No,I just have a better point of view on things." Han said with a smirk. "Han!" Leia said slapping him on the knee. "Right,right I'm sorry." Han said making Leia laugh. They arrive home later.

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