What's deserving.

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"Hey cub." Chewie said to Han in a growl. "Hey chews. It's nice to be away from Leia. I love her and all but she's to dang emotional." Han told his wookie friend. "Cub,give sissy a break. She can't help she's pregnant." Chewbacca roared putting a paw on Han. "Yes,I know. And the funny thing is,I can't be mad at her." Han told Chewbacca. (Awwwwww!)
"Nice to see you,Leia. I'm happy your safe." Mara Jade said when Leia walked into base. Mara Jade was the emperor's old worker. Until Leia switched her to the light side and she became Luke's current wife. "Mara!" Leia excitedly yelled running towards her best friend to hug her. Mara picked her up off the ground and spun her around. "Uh Leia? You're a lot heavier than the last time I picked you up." Mara told Leia with a frown. "Mara,go get Luke. I have to tell you both something." Leia said with han's smirk. "Ok?" Mara Jade said confused. She came back with Luke. "What is it Leia?" Luke asked her confused. "Mara,Luke.......I'm pregnant." Leia said softly. The jaws of Mara Jade and Luke fell to the floor. "You are...." Mara Jade started. "Pregnant!" Luke finished with a happy yell. "Surprise!" Leia exclaimed.
That night,Leia was the last one to get home. "How was your day?" Han asked Leia. She shut the door after she came in. "I broke the news to Luke and Mara Jade that I'm pregnant." Leia told him with a big smile. "That's good,are you better now? You were something else last night and this morning." Han told her with a smirk. "Thank you. And I think so. I'm sorry." Leia said then hugged Han. "Aw, It's ok! I still love you!" Han said then kissed her. "I'm going to fix dinner." Leia said as she got off the couch. "Ok,I'm hungry!" Han exclaimed also getting off the couch. "What are you doing?" Leia asked laughing. She saw Han follow her in the kitchen. "I'm bored." Han said. Leia fixed dinner and Han watched at the table. Then Leia brought the dinner to the table to eat. "Leia! This food is amazing!" Han exclaimed obviously shocked. "Hey! The food I fix is always good!" Leia said. "Yeah,yeah but this time......it's even better than good." Han said stuffing his face. "Yeah,I bet it is!" Leia exclaimed a little irritated. "Sorry,Leia. I guess nice Leia went back to happy land and brought me mean Leia." Han said with a frown. "Oh! I am so sweet." Leia said with a smirk. "Leia,no you are not!" Han said laughing a little. "I am the definition of sweet." Leia said. "Leia." Han said firmly. Leia stormed out the room and went to their bedroom and slammed the door shut. "Not again,Leia! Han yelled getting up from his seat in the kitchen. Then he started banging on his bedroom door. "Come on,open up!" Han yelled. "No!" Leia madly yelled back. "I'm sorry,will you forgive me?" Han asked sweetly. "Forgive yourself!" Leia answered yelling. "Sweetheart,I already have." Han said leaning his back against the door and slowly fell to the ground and Leia did the same. Both of their backs to the door. "You really make me mean,Solo." Leia said chuckling a little. "I know,it's all my fault." He said. Leia jumped up and opened the door to see Han falling back. "I'm tired." Leia whined. "I know. Let's go to bed." Han said getting up from the floor.
Leia woke up first. She turned over to see Han facing her. He doesn't deserve me,he deserves way better. I don't deserve him,I don't deserve anyone. Leia thought to herself. "What are you doing today?" Han asked waking up. "Base. I got to help Jade." Leia said with a frown. "I have a meeting." Han said. "Then you better get up and take a shower." Leia said nudging him a little. "Fine,fine I'm up!" Han exclaimed jumping up. "I have to take a shower after you so don't be long." Leia said rolling her eyes as Han walked slower. "Han Solo!" Leia yelled jokingly.
"Hey." Leia said walking into base. "Were  you good to Han last night?" Mara asked. "No,I was a monster! Mara,I can't believe he loves me. " Leia said. "Well,to be fair,you are lovable. You are the most awesome person. When you're not pregnant of course." Mara said. "Wow,thanks." Leia said. "Where is Han?" Mara asked. "At a meeting. I am so surprised I was not supposed to attend. Usually,if Han has to go to a meeting,I'm involved." Leia said with a little frown. "It's ok. He'll be alright." Mara said patting Leia on the back. "Do you know Han? He'll cuss somebody out. I hold him back eighty percent of the time." Leia said with a little laugh. "He'll be ok," Mara said. "Promise."
Han was the last to arrive home and it was late 0100 in the morning to be exact. Leia waited for him to get home. Sitting at the dinner table,already ate. She just stared at the door waiting for her husband to open the door. "Hey,Han!" Leia exclaimed happily running to Han to hug him. Han had a sad look on his face. "Han? Han,what's wrong?" Leia asked with fear scattering all over her eyes. "Leia,in three months,I'm going on a mission. And the there is a 75% chance of death." Han told her. Her heart dropped and shattered. Like,her whole world crashed in front of her. Behind her back. "They....they can't do this. They can't do this to me! Han! Han!" Leia yelled. She couldn't calm down. She went into a panic attack. "I'm so sorry. Leia,I tried to get them to send someone else. But, they said if I didn't do this....I'm out of a job." Leia was speechless. She turned around and grabbed her jacket. "Where....where are you going?" Han asked with fright. "I'm going to get our family  out of this mess." And with that,Leia was gone.

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