fights,frights,and it's our birthday!

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They just arrived in Cloud City. Han and Leia barely talk anymore and if they do it turns into a fight. "We're here." Chewbacca told Leia coming into her bunk. She got Maia and the boys off the Millennium Falcon and Han got the luggage. "Hey daddy!" Aaron exclaimed. "Not now." Han answered back struggling to get the luggage into the empty house. Leia saw Han blow off his son and got very upset. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Mommy,why is daddy mean?" Aaron asked. When he said that,Leia felt tears in her eyes. "I...I don't know. It's ok,I love you." Han heard the conversation and immediately felt bad. "Uh....Leia? Can I talk to you in the other room?" Han asked. He had then just realized how mean he was. Leia rolled her eyes and followed him into the other room. "What?" She asked with an attitude. "I'm sorry. I've been horrible to you and the kids. Please forgive me. It's just this trip and all I haven't been able to be around them and what I just did to Aaron was unacceptable." Han said.  Leia ran to him and hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you for apologizing. I accept your apology. But,for me,please say sorry to Aaron." Leia told him. He nodded his head and walked to the other room to apologize to his son. "I'm sorry Aaron. I didn't mean to be a mean daddy." Han said. Aaron hugged his dad. "It's ok,daddy. You're nice daddy again!" Aaron happily yelled. Now that was the sweetest thing ever to Leia.

The next day,the Solo family got their furniture and everything into the house. They are now officially moved in.


They have lived in Cloud City for a week now. Maia is now one month old and the boys are three years old tomorrow. "Tomorrow the boys are turning three." Leia told Han that night. "That's right,and it'll be a year since we got them back from Leo." Han said. Then Leia frowned. "Han,why did you have to remind me of that?" Leia sadly asked. "I'm sorry." Han said. He always felt bad for Leia. That was the worst he had seen her was when Fisco took their twins. Han turned off the lights and both Leia and Han went to sleep. But,Leia had nightmares.

Leia woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat. She couldn't believe the nightmare she just had. Leo Fisco came and murdered Han, Maia, and the twins and took her away. She started crying. She was crying so loud that Han woke up. "Leia Leia,honey,what's wrong?" Han asked with worry and concern. " was horrible,Han. Leo....murdered all of yall and took me away and married me!" Leia yelled while crying. She smacked her head into han's chest and he held her there. All she could do was cry. She got up out of the bed. "Where are you going?" Han asked her. She turned around to look at him. "To make sure my boys are still in their beds. Sound asleep with nobody bothering them. I'm going to check on Maia,too." Leia answered. "Can I go with you?" He asked. She nodded. He took her hand in his and they went to the twins room first.

"Here they are. They are fast asleep in  their bed. Nobody has bothered with them." Han reassured Leia. She nodded her head and stared at them for a few minutes. "Maia next." She muttered. They walked out of the boys room and went Maia's room. "She's sound asleep,too." Han told her.  She stared at Maia for a few more minutes and she and Han went back to their room. "Try to rest." Han said. He then kissed her forehead and drifted off to sleep. She watched him sleep for a little bit then went to sleep herself.

That morning Leia got up,she felt just a little better. She didn't have another nightmare the second time she went to sleep thank goodness and got up to go to the kitchen. It was 12:30 that afternoon.  "Good morning." She said walking into the living room. "Mommy!" Aaron yelled and ran to Leia to hug her. She was so happy to hug him. She then got happier when Emerson ran to hug her,too. "Thank you for the morning hugs." She said when her boys let go of her. Han smiled seeing Leia smile. He knew what she had gone through the night before. Leia looked up and saw Han staring at her smiling. "What are you smiling at?" Leia asked. "Just my happy wife. I presume you're feeling better." He said. Leia giggled and answered. "Yes....thank you!" "It's our birthday!"  Aaron yelled. "We twee!" Emerson yelled trying to say three. Han and Leia laughed at him trying to say three. "That's right. Happy birthday." Leia told them. They smiled and ran off to play in their room. Leia sat on the couch beside Han. "I am so happy I met you. I have reasons to be mad and hate Darth Vader.....but I don't." Leia said. Han gasped. He couldn't believe Leia isn't angry at him. "Why? And we're you?" Han asked. "Yes,I was." Leia answered. "Leia,how? Why? He destroyed your home planet. He killed all of your friends and family. He tortured you." Han told her. "He also brought us together. Think,if it wasn't for him,we would have never met. We wouldn't have these three beautiful babies. You rescued me. If it wasn't for him,you wouldn't have a reason for rescuing me. We would never had met." Leia said. Han thought about it. "I love you." He muttered about to kiss her. She stopped him and whispered. "I know." He gave her a kiss and then Maia started crying. "I got her." Leia said. She got up and walked to Maia's room. "I'm here baby." Leia said in a soothing voice. "Mommy's here." She said. She picked up Maia  and brought her into the kitchen. Leia was going to fix everyone a late lunch. She also needs to fix the boys a cake. "Mommy's going to be busy in the kitchen today." Leia told Maia who was sucking on her thumb. Leia laughed at her daughter and put her in the highchair. A little while later when Leia was almost done with lunch,Han walked in. "Hello ladies." He said. He picked up Maia who was fast asleep in her highchair. "I'm going to put her in her crib." Han whispered. "I didn't even know she was asleep. Yeah,go put her in her room." Han nodded and took little sleepy Maia to her room. "Is lunch almost done?" Aaron asked walking into the kitchen. "Just about. Go get daddy and tell him to set the table." Leia said. Aaron nodded his little head and ran to find his father. "Daddy!" He yelled when his dad walked out of Maia's room closing the door. Han put a finger over his mouth. "Shush," He said. "I just put Maia in her crib,she's asleep." "Sorry. Mommy wants you to set the table for her." Aaron whispered. Han walked off to the kitchen. Aaron went to his and his brother's room and saw Emerson staring out the window. "What ya doing Emmy?" He asked. Emerson looked at his twin brother. "I like looking up at the clouds. They remind me of MJ and uncle Luke and Ami. I miss them. I wish they could have came for our birthday." Emerson said. Aaron joined his brother looking up at the clouds. "They sure are pretty." Aaron said. "Boys,time for dinner. What are you guys doing?" Leia said coming into the room. "Looking at the clouds." Emerson answered. "Alright,well,it's time for lunch. There's a special guest in the living room. Well,three special guests." Leia said. The boys looked at each other then back at their mom. They walked in the kitchen and couldn't believe who was standing in there with their father and Chewbacca. "No way!" Emerson happily yelled.

Thank you so much for 110 reads. I am so thankful for you all. This has been a dream come true. This had been a very good day for my writing career. Thank you! And who is the special guests? Comment your guest and keep reading to find out who is at the Cloud City home for the twins birthday.


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