That girl is a mess!

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"Leia.....Leia you're ok." Han said hugging the crying princess tightly. She could barely breath she was crying so hard. She couldn't really talk either ",keep us safe." Leia yelled. "I am,I will." Han told her. Why does she keep having these horrible nightmares? Han thought to himself. Later that night,Leia followed Han everywhere. "Where are you going? Leia asked Han who got up out of his chair. Leia,quickly,jumped up from her seat to go with him. "I'm going to use the fresher." Han said a little irritated. Of course,Leia didn't notice. Han loves Leia,but this whole day everywhere he went,everywhere he looked,Leia was there. "Ok,I'll wait out here for you." She said. So,while Han was in the fresher,Leia patiently waited right in front of the door for him. When Han opened the door,he jumped a little seeing Leia staring right in front of him. He then,walked toward the kitchen. "What are you doing now?" Leia asked. "Leia! For the love of Vader,will you please back off!" Han yelled. He didn't mean to,it just slipped out. He loves her,but he doesn't like her all up on him like that. "I.....I'm sorry." Leia sadly said with tears forming in her eyes. She turned around and ran to their room and slammed the door shut behind her. Poor thing cried her eyes out. "Oh,man! Leia!" Han yelled running to their room he quickly jiggled the doorknob;it wouldn't open. He twisted it harder and faster, it was locked. "Leia," He yelled. "Open this door!" "No!" She angrily yelled. "Honey! Look,I'm sorry! Did you hear me? I'm sorry!" Han yelled back. Oh,he felt horrible for yelling at Leia like that and telling her to back off. He hated himself for it. "Go away,Han. I'm backing off!" She yelled. "Leia,I didn't mean it." Han said. Leia opened the door and stood there. Here eyes blood shot from crying. Her hair a mess. The top of her shirt soaked from wiping her tears on it. "Leia." Han said upset and quietly. He felt horrible! He felt like he had been stabbed in the heart with a lightsaber. (sorry!) He quickly hugged Leia. They stood in silence for about three minutes. Until, "I'm sorry I followed you everywhere." Leia said sweetly. "I know you are. And I'm sorry for being so harsh. I'm the worst!" Han said giving Leia a slight laugh. " are." Leia said looking up at Han to find him playfully glaring down at her. "Friends again?" Han asked. "Yeah,best friends." Leia said hugging him tighter.
That night,Leia was terrified to go back to sleep. "Do we have to go to bed?" Leia asked Han who just finished yawning. "Yeah,I think we do. Me and Chewie have to work on the Falcon tomorrow and I have to be fully rested." Han answered back. "But,full rest is so overrated." Leia said to Han who had just turned out the lights. "Is it? Oh! Or are you scared about the nightmares. Yes,that's what it is. I figured it out!" Han exclaimed. "Han!" Leia yelled then punched Han in his upper arm when he got in the bed. "Leia,you'll be fine I'm right here." Han said to her. "I'm scared! Since you saved us,me and the baby,I keep having these stupid nightmares!" Leia yelled then punched the bed. "Hey! Calm down!" Han instructed firmly. "Sorry..." Leia said. Shortly,both Han and Leia drifted off to sleep. Both woke up happy that morning. For the first time in a week,Leia didn't have a nightmare. "Hey." Han said when he turned over and saw Leia awake. "Han,I slept amazing last night! I didn't have a nightmare!" Leia exclaimed. "Leia! That's great!" Han excitedly yelled. He grabbed Leia and hugged her tightly. "Hey! Be careful,you'll hurt the baby." Leia said to Han. "Oh! Sorry Han the second." Han said rubbing Leia's stomach. "Hang on,what? Excuse me we are not naming our child Han the second." Leia said pushing Han off her. "Oh! You like junior better." Han said with his famous smirk. "No way! One Han is plenty for this girl." Leia said standing up. Leia was happy. Her life was finally back to normal. She wasn't sad or scared anymore. No more night mares,hopefully. No more breakdowns,again hopefully. She was Leia again. Of course,she could possibly have the nightmares and breakdowns again. But,she felt ok. She hasn't felt this better since before she was captured. She had this good feeling. This feeling of not having anymore nightmares. "Fine. Then what do we call him?" Han asked standing up to help his wife make the bed. "We don't know if it's a him!" Leia exclaimed. "I'm pretty sure it's a boy,Leia." Han said with the famous smirk again. "We will figure that out once we know the gender for sure." Leia said. They then,made the bed together. "Thanks for helping me." Leia said. "And thank you for letting me." Han said. "Aren't you going with chewie today?" Leia asked. "Yeah I'm about to go shower. What are you doing today?" He said to Leia as he searched for a towel. "Well,I have to go to base and help them out." Leia said with a sigh. "You took a shower last night so does that mean you're leaving now." Han said opening the fresher door. "No,I'm going to fix us some breakfast then I am." Leia said. "Thank you,I'm hungry." Han said to Leia. "Oh! Well...uh...this is awkward. I was talking about me and the baby." Leia said. "Seriously!" Han exclaimed laughing a little. "Fine,I'll fix you breakfast too." Leia said then kissed Han.  After Han came out of the shower, he had a nice breakfast waiting for him. He walked in the kitchen to see his wife sitting at the table eating herself to death. "Wow,is there some left for me?" Han asked making Leia smile. "Yes,now stop making fun of me!" Leia exclaimed. "I'm not making fun of you!" Han yelled defending himself. "You better not be. Now,come eat." Leia said pointing at the chair in front of her. Han rolled his eyes and sat down. "Leia,I'm not going to be able to make it with these hormones." Han told Leia. "That's so mean!" Leia yelled. Then she started to cry. "You are a horrible person!" Leia yelled crying. Han sighed and stood up from his seat and walked over to Leia. "I'm sorry!" He moaned and Leia stood up to hug him. "Aw! You are the best! I love it when you apologize! You sweet to me! I don't deserve you!" Leia yelled as she started to cry again. "Yes you do," Han moaned. "You are amazing." "I got to go. Love you!" Leia exclaimed. Her tears quickly dried up and she kissed Han. "Yeah me too. See you tonight." Han said to Leia before she shut the door behind herself. "That girl is a mess!" Han exclaimed to himself out loud before leaving their house himself.

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