The trip.

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It's the day they are moving to Cloud City. Chewbacca is moving into a little apartment with them. "Today's the day." Han said with a big smile when Leia woke up. "It is isn't it." Leia said with a sigh. She got up and took a shower. Han got up and woke up the boys. When Leia got out the shower,Han walked over to Chewbacca's hut. "Ready?" Han asked his wookie friend. Chewbacca picked up his suit case and growled. "Yeah." "Go get the Falcon ready and we will be on in about twenty minutes." Han said to Chewbacca. He put the suitcases in the Falcon and went in to see if Leia and the others were ready. They walked out of the hut and the Skywalkers came to say goodbye. "You visit and we will visit." Mara Jade said to Leia. Leia started crying and hugged her best friend. "I promise." Leia said. "Bye cuzies!" Amidala exclaimed to the twins. Han was holding baby Maia. "Bye everyone!" Luke yelled waving his hand. The Solo family boarded the Falcon and the Skywalkers watched as the Falcon flew out of sight. "You ok?" Luke asked Mara Jade as she wiped her eyes. "Just fine." She said with an attitude. She picked up Amidala off the ground and walked up the path to the house. Luke sighed and ran a little to catch up with them.


                        One day later
"Mommy,how longer on this ship?" Aaron asked his mommy who was sitting in the kitchen of the Millennium Falcon with him. "A couple more days. It's nap time for you and Emerson. Where is he anyway?" Leia said. "In the cockpit with daddy and Maia." Aaron answered. Leia took Aaron's hand and they walked to the cockpit. "Nap time." Leia said entering the cockpit. "I tired!" Emerson whined. "Can you help me put them down for a nap?" Leia asked Han. He got up and got the boys in their beds. "Where's Chewie?" Han asked Leia. "In his bunk asleep." Leia answered. They went back to the cockpit. "I'm tired myself." Leia said with a yawn. She sat in Chewbacca's seat beside Han. "Go sleep." Han said turning in his chair to face Leia and laughed a little at her. She looked very tired. "I don't want to!" Leia whined. She got closer to Han and put her head on his chest. She was asleep less than five minutes.

Leia woke up forty minutes later in her bunk. Han was beside her,asleep. She laughed a little and got up. She went to the cockpit and Chewbacca was in there in han's seat. "Chewie," Leia said sternly pointing  a finger at Chewbacca. "That's han's seat." He moaned and got up and sat in his co-pilot seat. She laughed a little and sat in han's seat. "That's not fair!" Chewbacca growled. Leia laughed and continued to look up at the galaxy of stars. They shined so bright. She could look at it all day. She was soon snapped out of her daze by a little boy. "Mommy! Mommy! I'm awake!" Emerson happily yelled. "Me too,mommy,me too!" Aaron yelled. "Are you hungry?" Leia asked with a little giggle from the boys happiness. They nodded their heads so Leia led them to the kitchen. "What do you want?" She asked. The boys picked what they wanted and Leia fixed it. Before she could fix her lunch,Maia started crying. When she got to the baby's crib,Han was already in there. She watched a second and went back to the kitchen. Han brought the baby to the cockpit with him and Chewbacca. The communicator went off in the kitchen and Leia answered it. "Hello?" "How's the trip been going?" Mara Jade asked over the communicator. "Ok. Just fixed the boys lunch. It's a little stressful but I can handle it." Leia said to her friend. "Is that MJ?" Emerson asked. Leia nodded and both boys went crazy wanting to talk to her. "Mara,the boys want to talk to you." Leia said. She handed the communicator to both of the boys. "Hi MJ!" Aaron yelled. "Hey boys. Are you being good for your mother?" Mara Jade asked the boys. "Yeah. Yeah,we are." Emerson said with a little stutter. Mara Jade laughed a little. "Are you sure?" Mara Jade asked in the midst of laughing. "Positive." Aaron stepped in and said. "Ok. Can I talk to your mother now?" Mara Jade asked. "Yeah. Bye." Emerson said. "Bye boys. Love you." Mara said. "Love you too!" Both boys exclaimed at the same time before handing Leia the communicator back. "Ok. I have to go,Luke just got home. I'll definitely talk to you in about a day or two." Mara Jade said. "Ok,bye." Leia said before hanging up. She put the communicator down and ate.


                       Two days later

"We will arrive at Cloud City in two days." Han told Leia who was sitting in the cockpit with him and Aaron. "That's good. Aaron,where is your brother?" Leia said turning to look at Aaron.  "Playing Dejarik with chewie." Aaron answered. Leia nodded her head and continued to look up at the galaxy in front of her. "What are you looking at?" Han asked Leia. "The stars. It's wonderful to have such pretty and different stars in the galaxy." Leia said with amazement. Han laughed a little and continued to fly the Falcon.

Leia walked into the room where the Dejarik game was. There,she saw Emerson playing the game with Chewbacca. "Who's winning?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. "The little cub knows how to play." Chewbacca roared. "I'm winning,mommy!" Emerson happily exclaimed. "That's good. I think chewie is a little jealous." Leia said sitting beside the little boy. "No, I am not." Chewbacca growled. "Whatever you say." Leia said getting up to get her crying baby. She walked to Mara's crib when the the communicator went off. She picked up Maia and ran to the kitchen to answer the call. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey,it's Luke." Luke said. Leia's face lit up. "Luke! I haven't talked to you since we left!" Leia exclaimed rocking Maia with one of her arms. "Yeah,well,I've been busy. Mara has been trying to talk to you as much as she can. Have yall got there yet?" Luke told Leia. "Two more days." Leia answered. "I have to go get back to work. Talk to you soon." Luke said then hung up. He didn't even give Leia a chance to say bye. Leia shook her head and took Maia with her back to the cockpit where Han was. "Where did Aaron go?" Leia asked irritated. She can't wait to get to that stupid planet. "Emerson got done playing with chewie so they went to their bunk to play. Relax." Han said. Leia strapped Maia into her car seat and sat down. "I can't just relax,Han. I'm keeping everyone in shape no thanks to you." Leia snapped to Han. "Ouch." He answered back. "I mean,I have no help with Maia at all and the boys,too." Leia said angrily. "Well,I'm the one flying this dang ship and if it wasn't for me doing that,we would've been done crashed." Han said to her. "Yeah,but I can't do everything,Han." Leia yelled. "Well,neither can I!" He yelled. Leia got up and stomped out of the cockpit. "This is going to be a long two days." Han said aloud to himself.

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