Chapter Twenty Three

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I was beginning to think Ajax's sole purpose in life was to embarrass me.

I took a deep breathe in hopes that it would help me gain my composure, it didn't.

I pushed away from him slightly and lifted my head and that was when I noticed the rest of the room.

A soft light illuminated Ajax's bedroom, candles were placed almost everywhere and next to the candles there were dozens of roses.

I wasn't sure how many but I was surprised I hadn't noticed them before.

Ajax pushed his face into my neck and ran his nose along my collar bone, the action sent shivers down my spine.

"You smell amazing." I was kind of expecting an 'I'm sorry for worrying you' or 'I'm sorry for shouting at you for saving my life.' Heck at this point had he said 'I love you' I would have been all over the son of a biscuit.

He then placed an open mouthed kiss on my neck and ran his tongue along his bite mark and all my common sense went out the window.

I let out a moan at his actions which earned me a growl.

After a few more minutes of making out, he lifted his head and took a step back.

He brought his hand to my face and caressed my cheek and then took a hold of my chin and tilted my face upwards.

He placed a tender kiss upon my lips before dropping to one knee and my breath caught in my throat.

He pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and he opened it up revealing a beautiful engagement ring.

It was an emerald cut diamond, the colour was a soft pink and a number of small silver diamonds framed the larger one.

"I love you more than I have ever loved anything in my whole life. If I could I would give you the whole world mi amore. I want you to be my wife in the ways of a man and a wolf, I want you to bare my children. So what do you say mi amore, will you marry me?"

My eyes widened and I felt my breathe leave me. God did I love this man, and mind you he hadn't exactly apologised for our earlier altercation but at this moment I forgot it all.

I nodded my head unable to form words and he smiled and then grabbed me and tossed me in the air. I let out a yelp as I was thrown quite a few feet above his head.

This did not impress me.

He caught me as soon as gravity has realised that I was too far up and came to my rescue or attempted assisting in my demise.

Nether the less he had caught me and I was sure that whenever I would fall he would be there to catch me. This made me smile and I found that I was less mad. He gently placed me onto my feet and took a small step away.

"I'm sorry, for earlier. I was so scared of the possibility of losing you, I meant it has already happened once." As he said this he lowered his head slightly, he looked....ashamed, forlorn. I didn't condone him snapping at me but I knew it came from a good place, a place of love and protection.

I smiled and this time I placed my hand on his chin and tilted his head slightly up, mind you it wasn't that large of a tilt, he was still a giant compared to my more petite form.

My eyes were filled tears, the amount of happiness I felt in this moment couldn't compare to anything I had felt in my life prior to this. I felt so much happiness in this moment that I didn't know what to do with it all, hence the tears.

His eyes widened when he saw my sorry state and he grasped my face immediately planting soft kisses all over my face. I began to giggle and I felt his smile against my cheek. He then picked me up princess style and threw me on to the bed and then climbed on top of me.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, earning me a playful growl.

We then proceeded to make out for a few minutes, okay maybe it was a few hours before we heard an insistent banging.

Curse whoever it was, they were going to rue the day they were born. The loud growl that ripped from Ajax's throat echoed my sentiment.

Ajax stormed of the bed and threw open the door and there stood my sister, Lovella. Her large eyes had widened almost comically and I decided to take pity on my her.

I adjusted my clothes and got up off the bed. My sister looked close to tears and this surprised me, I pushed Ajax out of the way and wrapped my arms around her head and pushed her out of the room. I then grabbed her arm and pulled her towards one of the guest rooms. I then grabbed the phone that Ajax had given me a few days ago and texted the other two too haul ass and come to the guest room as quick as they could.

Lovella looked distraught and I couldn't seem to figure out why, had Tiago done something to upset her. Corazon and Valentina came rushing into the room both wielding knives, damn this house needed baby proofing or more like dumb ass proofing.

Lovella was about to reveal why she was so upset but before she could she let out a large scream making me jump ten feet into the air. Corazon and Valentina jumped to alert swinging their knives around as if they were samurai soldiers, mind you really bad samurai soldiers. Lovella was gawking at my hand and I looked down to see what was wrong, all I saw my ring. My engagement ring.

Valentina began to jump up and down whilst squealing, Corazon was choking on her own spit (it was becoming more evident that we were siblings) and Valentina was still gawking.

The racket Valentina was making must have alerted her mate and thus our mates of some kind of danger and not a minute later all four of them burst into the guestroom.

"I cant' believe you're getting married," Corazon screeched making all the guys groan. I began giggling and Ajax pulled me into his arms.

I was getting married.

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