Chapter Twenty

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Was I clumsy?


Did Ajax have to put me in a corner away from the rest of the pack whilst they trained?

No, but he did it anyway.

It had been a week seince the 'incident' and Ajax still wasn't comfortable telling people I had punched him in the face, so for now we told people he had tackled a rather large haddock on a fishing trip we took in the middle of the night on the pond nearby. The story was sketchy but for some reason people were buying it, or at least I though they were. I mean nobody laughed, there was smirking but no laughing, we were taking what we could get.

In the week that we had been here I had met most of the pack, including Ajax's parents. Let's just say it didnt go as smoothly as I would have hoped.

"Mamá, Papá esta es mi compañera, Amorette."

When he had intoduced me to his parents, I put out a hand in greeting and then proceeded to knock over a vase which went into smash on the lovely, expensive hardwood floors.

I then bent down to retrieve the shards, completely unaware that Ajax's mother had been about to do the same.

My head crashed into her's and the pain was excruciating, Ajax made a move to steady me but instead I took a step and slipped in the water. Then, as if fate had not punished me enough, I knocked over Ajax's mother as well.

I was mortified.

Ajax's father let out a booming laugh and Ajax sniggered whilst I sat on the floor, face bright red. I had never been so embarrassed in my life. Fortunately Sofia, Ajax's mother, had laughed the whole ordeal off and then whispered something in Ajax's ear before coming over to me and giving me a hug.

"My child, you are perfecto for my son." As she said these words to me I gave her a shy smile and Ajax wrapped his arms around my waist.

He then bent down and whispered to me, "yes she is."

I smiled as I remember my meeting with Sofia and Carlo, Ajax's father, and blushed when I remembered her words.

Then, suddenly remembering my anger, I placed a scowl up on my lips as my very handsome mate approached me.

"Is my baby sulking?" I snarled at him as soon as the words left his lips and turned away from him so that I was facing the rest of the pack, who seemed to be watching us with obvious interest.

Nosy parkers.

He then placed a gentle kiss on my lips, making me melt.

Damn him.

I couldn't be mad at him, so instead I leaned into him and let him hug me.

"Why won't you let me fight?" I whined into his chest and he sighed loudly.

"You would do more damages to yourself then to other people, sweetheart I don't want you to get hurt."

His reason was stupid, I snarled at him again.

He wasn't as smooth as he thought he was.

I looked over to my left in time to see Lovella knock her self into a tree before Tiago could stop her. The poor guy, must be hard to have such a clumsy mate.

As if he heard my thoughts he sent me a smirk, making me more angry.

I wasn't clumsy!

Lovella had gotten up and was currently trying to throw a swing at Tiago, but unfortunately she kept missing and hitting his shoulders.

Bless her heart.

My other sisters, still not used to saying that, were currently sparing with their own mates.

Corazon was beating Nero with a foam waddle, I was beginning to think she had violent tendencies.

Whilst Corazon beat the life out of Nero, Valentina was falling into Alejandro's arms, literally.

My mate's younger brother had somehow tricked my younger sister into carrying out trust exercises. I wasn't completely sure what his excuse had been but whatever it had been, it had worked.

Each time she fell he managed to catch her by putting his hands on her bottom, making her blush bright red.

Bless her soul.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned my head slightly, it was Ajax's mother.

She put out a hand offering my a cup of hot chocolate and a smile.

Just as I was about to take it an ear splitting howl sounded through the air making me cringe in pain. The chow fell to the floor and I felt the hot liquid burned my legs but I paid it no heed. Not when Ajax roared in fury, the ground shaking under the sheer force of the sound.

The pack began to fall to the floor and shift into wolves. They ran into the forest, the larger ones in the front and the smaller ones in the back.

Ajax stared at me, a silent command to stay. He then shifted into a wolf, his clothes ripping off his body. He then leaped into the woods at an alarmingly fast pace.

My sisters came closer to me, worried looks on their faces, only one thing could be happening right now.

The war had begun.

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