Chapter Fifteen

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An ugly feeling wrapped itself around my skin making me struggle to move. The aches and pains in my body made me want to curl up and whine but I couldn't even bring myself to open my eyes.

Remembering the unfortunate position we had been placed in had my eyes flying open. I couldn't feel Lovella near me.

It was dark and my eyes struggled to adjust, but when they finally did, bars stood before me, trapping me.

I struggled to take in a breath as I dragged myself to the bars. I tried to rattle them but they wouldn't budge. I was stuck, really stuck.

I opened my mouth in an attempt to call out but couldn't as the dryness clung to the back of my throat, this made me choke instead.

"Amorette?" A weak rasp had me shooting up and dragging myself to the front of the cell, surely enough opposite me.

She was a mess, her blonde hair greasy, dark circles surrounded her eyes, and her skin pale. I shuddered at the thought of what I looked like.

The sound of a door opening scared me and the sudden stream of such bright light had me squinting.

Footsteps made me sit up and I looked up to see him, my grandfather.

"I'm glad you are finally awake." His words annoyed me and I found myself struggling to remain silent.

"I'm sorry this had to be done, but those men you were travelling with made it extremely difficult for me." Remembering Ajax made my stomach drop and I couldn't bring myself to think of what happened to him.

"Why have you done this?" I was no longer angry, I was physically unable to me. I was just tired now and I wanted answers.

"You are of pure blood, my blood." His words were serious, completely serious.

Pure blood what? Pure blood wolves? That wasn't possible, it couldn't be.

He began to laugh, "he didn't tell you?"

I sat there unsure of what to do and I began to to scratch my skin in an attempt to calm down.

It didn't work.

"You are of pure blood, pure Lycan, the wlves began to breed with our kind using the excuse of being mates. Pathetic." He snarled out the last bit, his eyes glowing and canines lengthening.

Lovella caught my eye she placed a finger upon her lips whilst shaking her head, a signal for me to shut up, so I did.

He managed to calm down, his eyes still glowed a disturbing yellow but his teeth were back to where they came from.

"We must carry on the line." My head snapped up at this and by the rattling of Lovella's cage hers did to.

He left after these words, slamming the iron door behind him.

"What does he mean by carry on the line?" Lovella tentatively asked the question not really wanting an answer and from the noise of men coming from the other side of the door, I wasn't sure I wanted one either.

I struggled to open my eyes once again but the sunlight streaming on to my face didn't relent forcing me to open my eyes.

I had drifted of not long after he he left and I was pretty sure Lovella had followed suit.

I was no longer in a cage but instead I was in a comfy bed. A so very comfy bed.

I looked around the large room that resembled that of a hotel, and sat up. Almost everything was white with the odd black touches, like the black vase containing lilies on the white bedside table.

A forced cough shook me out of my analysis and I was suprised to see a young girl, who looked around sixteen stood holding a tray filled with a delicious breakfast.

Her large eyes were wide with fear am so noticed the tray began to shake more, the longer I looked at her.

She was scared, I didn't understand why. So I motioned with my hand for her to come forward and patted on the bed.

She came forward and placed the tray down on the bed. She then stood up and looked as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how.

She looked familiar, her caramel coloured hair was curly just like mine and here eyes the same colour.

"Hello, my name is Corazon, and I'm your sister."

I froze, my toast halfway to my mouth, had I heard her correctly, my sister. That couldn't be, could it?

She looked a lot like me, a lot like Lovella.

She took my silence as confusion so she continued to talk.

"When you were taken we thought you were dead, we were so sure." Her voice broke at the end of the sentence and I held my arms out to comfort her. Memories began to flood back and a love that o had only ever had for Lovella became apparent for this young girl, my little sister.

"Valentina is with Lovella."

"Valentina?" I wasn't sure who this was but her name was familiar.

"Lovella is the oldest sister, then you, I'm next and then it's Valentina."

Lovella was my sister, there were four of us. My head was reeling from all of the surprises I had been getting this past month.

She smiled and before I could say anything Lovella walked in, a small girl who looked around fourteen follows her.

She walked with her head down and her shoulders hunched. Her hair was a mixture of caramel and blonde and her eyes a lovely green. She was beautiful.

She put her hand up shyly and waves it slightly before she could say anything I was already hugging her. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere with someone, other than Ajax of course.

"The competition is to begin in less than three hours, the contenders will fight to submission." Corazon said these words, her voice soft.

"For what?" The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

"For you."


Thank you so much for reading, for voting, for commenting. It means a lot.

I will try to update soon.

Thank you to everyone who followed me as well.

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