Chapter Eleven

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I sat there staring at him and I felt like the air in the room began to disappear.

His dark gaze held my own, lighter one and I felt as if I was drowning.

A deep longing filled my heart and I knew then he was my future.

It was dawn outside and I turned to the window to watch the sunrise.

The reason why I had looked to the window was to escape his intense gaze, but before I could sigh in relief at my achievement, he grasped me chin and turned my face back to him.

His eyes were less intense now and much more softer.

"I will only ever want you, I will never cheat or lie. It will harm me more than it will you to do so. I will love you for the rest of my life you will be my one, my only. My heart beats for you, only you."

His words made me warm, I was falling in love with this man and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

He pressed a gentle kiss into my forehead and got up from the bed.

"I'm gonna make you breakfast, you go on and freshen up. You're dress is in ye bathroom, I washed it and it should be drying."

The fact that he had washed my dress for me warmed my heart, I knew it was only a small task but he had gone out of his way and that made me go all soft.

He left the room and I made my way to the bathroom, a small smile playing itself onto my face.

I walked into the bathroom, making sure I stayed well away from the shower, and went to the counter that had a fancy, bowl shaped sink in the centre

This house was making my place look more and more dismal.

I washed my hands first and looked into the mirror above the sink.

I looked exhausted.

I pulled at my cheeks and then pushed them up. Just as I was about to cry at the terrible state of my face, I spotted something on the left hand side of the sink.

My dress was hung up on the radiator next to the counter there was a pink post-it note along with a toothbrush, a comb, a fancy face wash, a lip balm and a few bobby pins along with a hair tie.

For you, my love. X

The my love made me freeze, had he meant it in the I love you way, or had it been a reflex which meant subconsciously he loved me. I decided to stop my self before I made a fool out if myself and declared my complete and utter devotion.

I picked up the toothbrush and took it out if his packaging. I ran it under steaming hot water for several seconds, applied toothpaste and then brushed for several seconds.

After I was all ready, I put my hair into a messy bun and and was about to leave but I heard a loud beeping that sounded suspiciously like the smoke alarm.

I ran towards the burnt smell and saw Ajax waving a dish cloth around.

The smoke cleared and I saw a burnt pan with a few black, crispy looking pancakes and a forlorn Ajax staring at said pancakes visibly upset.

I stepped into the room and his head snapped up, he gave me a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders.

I melted at the intention rather than the smell, or look of breakfast.

I walked forward, slightly unsure of myself, and then thought screw it and wrapped my small arms around his large frame.

He stiffened, then proceeded to wrap his arms around me, hugging me back even tighter than I was hugging him.

"What's this for?" He asked me gently whilst outing his chin on top of my head.

"Thankyou" at my words he looked down at me and touched his lips to mine.

"Let me make you breakfast and you relax, you've done enough."

I shoved Ajax towards the doorway so that I could make a start on breakfast, but before he reached the door he hesitated and looked back at me.

"I will be fine" I promised him and with that beings said he finally left me alone.

I picked up a bowl and a couple of eggs and set to work.

I finished the mixture and then dipped in a piece of bread and placed into the hot frying pan.

French toast was something I loved, I didn't have it as often because it was messy and I had never been one for extra work.

The French toast began to pile up and before I knew it I had cooked the whole loaf. I felt guilty for wasting food, as no one would eat it.

Ajax came back into the kitchen, a wolfish grin upon his face.

"It smells amazing baby." He then put one arm around me and then used the other to pick to the French toast and moved us to the coach where he sat me in his lap.

He then tore of a piece and fed me, I had never been fed before, not like this. Not so intimately.

Deciding to return the favour, I began to feed him and I felt a deep sense of longing and desire full me. I wanted this, for forever and more.

We began to lean in so that our breaths were mingled and then-


There went that moment.


Thank you to anyone who votes, you make my day . X .

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