Chapter Seventeen

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I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest as I started up my handsome saviour.

"How?" I couldn't fathom how he had found us, never mind winning a battle for us.

Looking over to my sisters who were trying desperately to escape from their captors hands. They looked at me desperately and I smiled in response showing them that they weren't in any danger. To illustrate my actions I wrapped my arms around Ajax's waist and hugged him.

This made them relax slightly and sure enough the boys let go of them. They didn't run but edged closer to me, for protections I guessed. This has the older one frowning and the younger one smirking.

I jabbed Ajax in the ribs and nodded my head towards the tow boys so that Ajax would introduce. Ajax wasn't the greatest at signals and he just looked at me with a blank stare.

The boy who had been holding Corazon took my hint and stepped forward, making Corazon shove into me. This made me smile, but I quickly covered it not wanting her to think I was laughing at her.

He frowned once more at her and then pointed a finger to himself, "I'm Nero and this is Alejandro." When he introduced the other boy he smiled and took a step forward. Surprisingly, Valentina didn't move.

Footsteps sounded behind us making me turn around. Sure enough it was Tiago with Lovella thrown over his shoulder.

"Move." Ajax's shout startled me and before
I knew it I was being thrown over his shoulder and we were running.

I wasn't sure for how long I had been bouncing on Ajax's shoulder but it wasn't pleasant, maybe the view of his behind was, focus Amorette focus.

We came to a stop and I looked over his shoulder to see four black SUVs on the side of the road.

I was shoved inside before I knew what was happening and the door shut.

Ajax appeared on the other side of the car, gripping the steering wheel he accelerated pushing the car forwards and onto the dirt road.

"What are you doing?" I almost fell out of my seat as he took a sharp turn, but I managed to get the question out before steadying myself.

"I'm rescuing you." He all but growled out as he took another sharp turn making me slide over in my seat and into him.

I felt guilty for questioning him so instead of moving back I hugged his arm, "thank you."

He placed a small kiss on the of my forehead before taking another sharp turn.

I looked in one of the review mirrors seeing an SUV behind us. I slid back into my seat and leaned my head back on the head rest, relaxing.

Ajax, sensing my exhaustion, put his hand on the back of my neck and rubbed.

I moaned making Ajax growl, I quickly shut up realising that this was not the time nor the place.

I looked ahead and in the distance there was a plane, the same plane we had travelled to Spain in, that made me stop.

"Where are we now?" We had been on our way to Spain before dear old grandad had intercepted us, so maybe we were somewhere in between.


Why didn't I think of that.

Sure enough we were the first ones there, and as we got out of the car a few more cars pulled up and I could see that all my sisters were blushing.

How odd.

The tension was thick in the air as we say on the plane and I struggled to break it.

"What's stopping him from coming back?" It was Lovella who asked this question and my head snapped up at the thought. He had done it before, what was stopping him from doing it again.

"He won't, he no longer has a source." It was Nero who had answered her as he sat typing on a laptop. His legs were open wide and his left one was dangerously close to Corazon's. She sat staring at him in a daze.

How embarrassing.

Wait, I had stared at Ajax for three weeks, oh gosh. I was such a stalker. I felt myself turn red and heard Ajax chuckle lightly as if he knew what was in my thoughts.

I looked over to him, his eyes held a glint. He knew, crud.

"What do you mean source?" It was Valentina who asked this question and instead of Nero answering, it was Alejandro who answered her.

"You, babe." The endearment caused my eyebrow to raise and I knew I wasn't the only one who was surprised as Lovella choked.

My poor, dear sister had turned a very deep shade of red that I knew all to well. Oh the memories.

A scowl was upon Corazon's face as she glared at Alejandro who smirked in return.

"Care to elaborate?" Her voice dripped with venom and the overprotectiveness made me smile.

Nero answered this one, "you and you're sisters's blood were his source, female Lycan blood is a fountain of youth. It can grant immortality, the need for the blood almost wiped out your whole species. You four are a large portion of the few females that are left."

I froze at this, we all did.

"That's why he took us." I whispered the realisation turning me cold, he had nearly killed them. That's why he had taken us. The realisation made me queasy.

"But we won't let anything happen to you, baby." This made my other brow arch.

"You're ours now."

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