Chapter Twelve

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The blonde mess that was my cousin flew into the room breaking the perfect moment. Shattering one of the best encounters I had ever had.

I felt myself warm at the thought of what we had just been doing but I quickly composed myself and jumped from his lap.

I was slightly suprised, no very suprised actually.

Next to Lovella stood Tiago the guy who has been shouting at my man early. That really rubbed me the wrong way.

But that wasn't what was odd, what was odd was the fact he was looking at her like a starving man who had been in the dessert and Lovella was a banquet.

This really rubbed me the wrong way.

I was about to open my mouth to say something, but Ajax's hand covered my mouth before I could speak.

"Lovella, long time no see, how are you?"

To my utter amusement, then displeasure my cousin turned bright and absolutely speechless.

I didn't like that my man had been the one to make her blush.

At the words my man I felt myself freeze. I know he had already practically declared me his soul mate, but my own subconscious acknowledgement of Ajax being mine scared me slightly.

But then again it excited me, I had always wanted to be in love and now that a guy had finally noticed me and treated me like a queen and I didn't know how to respond.

A loud growl shook me out of my depressing thoughts.

I looked to Ajax and saw nothing but a sly smirk resting on his handsome face. He was looking at Tiago who was currently snarling at Ajax.

Lovella's eyes were wide in either shock or fright. I hoped it was only shock because I had a slight inking she was going to have to deal with a lot worse, we both were.

"Erm....I'm fine thankyou, how about you?"

Lovella's voice was shaky but thankfully she has been okay enough to respond to Ajax's question, which I know realised was probably more a taunt directed at Tiago.

I shot a look at my, well I wasn't sure what we were but I would settle on male, male and smiled in Lovella's direction.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked her whilst sanding up, trying to distance myself from Ajax.

Ajax didn't get the message and stood up along with me pressing his very firm chest up against my back.

The warmth from his body made me tingle and I leaned into his touch in attempt to be closer to the warmth, or maybe him.

"Looking for you, you didn't come home last night and I got worried." Her voice wasn't the same and I felt bad for not texting her and telling her.

"I'm sorry, I was with....erm ya know" I coughed to try to hide my embarrassment but I felt the heat in my cheeks and I ducked my head.

She laughed at me and stepped into the room.

"You a dog or a cat?" I felt Ajax stiffen behind me, and my mouth dropped open. From the corner of my eye Tiago's eyebrows were high upon his forehead.

Our reactions didn't deter her though, she was on a roll.

"So suppose you aren't either of there things, but you are an animal, I bet your the cute cuddly types that end up dead on the side of the road.

The sarcasm dripping from her voice was cutting and I didn't know how to respond. I was surprised by the outburst but not at all shocked. It was long overdue, I just felt bad that it was coming from her and not me.

"What are you?" Her voice had now become cold but, contrary to my thoughts, this was directed at Tiago and not Ajax.

Tiago growled at her making her stumble back and whimper slightly. I saw regret on his face when she whimpered. He tried to reach out to touch her but she snatched her arm away before he could.

I sighed a little and touched Lovella's arm, she jumped but then fell into my arms.

"I'm sorry, it's just I know they aren't human and I'm frustrated for you and me, and then that guy comes and shouts I'm mine before giving me the hottest first kiss of my life and then meeting you two who looked like you were gonna 'mate' on this setee."

After her little outburst, Lovella's eyes widened and she slapped a hand over her mouth.

Tiago's eyebrow went up and he walked to Lovella picked her up in his arm, just like Ajax did me, and he carried her down the hall.

She was completely silent, that was a first.

Ajax stood up, he put an arm out to me and lead me to what looked like an office.

He sat down on the chair and placed me on his lap. I was stiff at first but the I slowly eased into his arms.

He then typed my name into a search engine and a picture came up, one of me.

On top of the picture, large print words spelling missing lay.

Below noted that her name was Amorette Wolfe and she went missing at the age of five along with her cousin Lovella Wolfe.

I took the mouse from Ajax's hand and then began to scroll, surely enough a girl that resembled Lovella appeared.

A heaviness appeared in my chest and I felt my eyes sting.

We weren't who we thought we were, and somehow that was the scariest thing of all.

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