Chapter Six

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Ajax took a tissue from my bag and wiped the blood away on my shoulder.

I felt my head spin slightly and I didn't know whether it was because of the loss of blood or the intensity of the situation.

The credits began to roll and people began to leave despite the room still being extremely dark.

Me and Ajax remained seated and I couldn't bring myself to look at him so I stared at my shoulder.

I winced as I thought about how bad it would look in the light. I didn't know if I wanted to spend time with him or go home.

I had heard of hickeys and love bites but I couldn't recall anything about blood being drawn. This made me nervous.

I wanted to go home, I had decided. I didn't want to dissapoint him, but I was more than a little freaked out over the fact that he had just sunk his teeth into my flesh hard enough to draw blood.

The lights came on and the theatre was empty apart for us two. I began to ease myself off Ajax's lap and began collecting my bearings as I straigtned out my hair and clothes and grabbed my bag from my empty seat.

Ajax stood up and I could feel his eyes on me as I fumbeled with my bag trying to open the buckle so I could reach my phone to call Lovella to pick me up.

His hand on mine made me freeze. He bought his other hand to my face and tilted my head backwards so I could see his eyes.

"I'll take you home." His voice was gruff and his eyes were hard. I felt guilty for making him like this, but I was sure that thid wasn't normal.

Biting was something you did when you were little or mad, not when you're, ya'know......

Anyway we were currently sat in his car, the engine was the only noise and I so desperately wanted to talk to him, but what would I say.

'Don't worry, I don't care that you just stole a huge chunk of my flesh, I'm still extremely attracted to you and still want to have your babies' okay maybe that was a little much but I still wanted to reassure him that I was intrested.

On second thought maybe that wouldn't be the best idea, I then decided to ask Lovella's opinion, but I wondered if she would be able to help because, well now, she had less experience than me.

We pulled up infront of my house but instead of making my escape I remained in the car. He was looking ahead, his hands wrapped tightly against the wheel his bronzes skin had turned white.

The silence was killing me and I so desperately wanted to end it but he did instead.

"I want you." His voice was rough but it was hid deceleration that shook me the most.

I didn't know what to say so I remained still and silent as I watched this great man struggle to formulate words I so desperately wanted to hear.

"But you are not ready to hear what I need to tell you." With those cryptic parting words he jumped out of the car and came around my side to open my door and helped me out.

We were at my doorstep and I stared at him. I wasn't sure if Lovella was sleeping or not but I hoped she was.

This was private.

He pressed his lips against mine, his tongue sweeping across mine as if he was claiming me as his own, which was true. I don't think I could ever kiss anybody else knowing what it was like to kiss him.

We stared at eachother; I so desperately wanted to look into those eyes forever but I didn't understand why, what was happening.

"When you are ready come to me" with those words as a farewell he stalked to his car and ripped out of the driveway.

I fell against my door my eyes closed as I thought about what just happened. Would I go to him? I wasn't sure.

I rubbed my aching neck and the sharp stab of pain reminded me I had been bitten and bled.

I shoved my front door open with the intention of heading straight to the bathroom to sit in the bath until I turned into a prune, but Lovella's voice stopped me.

"What time do you call this ?" Lovella stood near the couch arms crossed and foot tapping.

I looked to the clock, brows furrowed, I said; "it's nine o'clock"

"Exactly, you were not supposed to return home until tomorrow." If looks could harm, Lovella would be a withering mess on the floor.

"Don't give me that look, he looked at you like he was ready to eat you." She said this with both eyebrows raised but my mind did not wander down that road but to my shoulder.

I took my cardigan off and ran to the bathroom, Lovella hot on my heels.

There it was the bite was dark purple, but the bruise did nothing to conceal the two pricks in my neck.

"He did that, didn't he?" I couldn't find it in me to say anything so I only nodded.

"Honey, that's not normal, hickeys don't look like that." I nodded once, my eyes found her's.

"It's not human."

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