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               Shelby was so beautiful. Her hair was whipping around her head until she rolled the window up. A mix of One Direction songs and random country songs was playing as she sped down the back roads. I loved her but I didn’t know how to tell her. I found my chance as Little Things started playing. Right before my part I made all of the guys be quite that way I would be the only one singing.

               “You’ll never love yourself half as much as I love you.”

               “You never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to.”

               “If I let you know, I’m here for you.”

               “Maybe you’ll love yourself like I love you.”

               She didn’t say anything for a few minutes until she pulled over and hugged me as tight as she could. “I love you too Niall.”

               “We are being chased by monsters and you pulled over to hug your boyfriend?!” Jason yelled.

               “I also pulled over to let someone else drive.”

               “I’ll drive!” Zayn yelled from the back seat. Shelby tossed him the keys and sat by Liam with me between them. Soon Shelby’s head was on my shoulder, fast asleep, as Mario blasted from the speakers.

               “Man, you really are in love,” Liam said as I started playing with her hand.

               “Yeah,” I sighed. “Who wouldn’t be in love with her, other than Harry? He kind of has someone else to be in love with.”

               “Are you forgetting about Perrie?” Zayn called from the front seat.

               “Alright, I get it,” I called. “What single guy wouldn’t be in love with Shelby? There, are you lot happy now?”

               “Just wanted to bug you Nialler,” Zayn laughed.

               “Well it worked,” I muttered under my breath. I put my head on top of Shelby’s and fell asleep a few moments later.

One Direction at Camp Half Blood?!Where stories live. Discover now