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               “What the crap does that mean?” I asked Percy for the thousandth time as he carried Rachel to the big house.

               “I don’t exactly know, but Chiron should.”

               “Are they going to be alright?” Harry asked as he carried Paige.

               “They should be. It’s just the shock of prophecies and the way the oracle talks that makes some people faint the first time. I almost went insane the first time I heard a prophecy.”

               “Is this a normal thing?” Poor Niall, he’s been pale ever since lunch.

               “For me, yes.” Just then Paige punched Harry in her sleep.

               “What was that for?” he asked as he placed her on the ground.

               “Go away Luke!” she screamed. “Leave him alone! None of us are ever going on fight on the Titan’s side!”

               “What is she talking about?” Liam asked.

               “Seems she knows more about the prophecy than I do,” Percy said as he started shaking her awake.

               “Harry!” She looked around with tears in her eyes until she found Harry. She tackled him to the ground with a bear hug while sobbing,” You’re alive. You’re alive. Kronos didn’t kill you.”

               “Why would Kronos kill him? He’s dead,” Jason said. He was waiting at the edge of the woods for us and was walking back to the big house with us.

               “In my dream,” Paige croaked out,” Luke tried to get Harry to be Kronos’ body like he was and when Harry said he wouldn’t a scythe came out of nowhere and killed him.”

               “What does that tell us about the prophecy?” Jason asked.

               “Paige, you tell us what you think the prophecy means when we get to the big house and we’ll see what Chiron has to say, alright?” Percy said as he helped her stand up.

               “Sure,” Paige whispered. She never let go of Harry’s arm the whole way to the big house. I felt really bad for her because I knew how long her nightmares could stay in her thoughts. One time she dreamed that a werewolf had eaten me and for the next two months she wouldn’t let me go anywhere near a dog. It was pure torture! I love dogs.

               “What happened to you?” Chiron asked as we sat in the big house’s living room. “Paige and Niall are as pale as empousa.”

               Percy stood up off of the couch and was the first to speak. “Rachel gave us a prophecy and I think Paige knows what it means.”

               “What was the prophecy?”

               Paige stood and recited the prophecy the same way Rachel had said it. “When nine half-bloods are all together, two have seen but seven have not, the light of war will reignite. A former foe may change their mind, but what can tell? Only time.”

               “What do you think that means?”

               “I think it means when Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Shelby, and I met Jason and Percy a war restarted. In my dream Luke came back and acted like he was on both sides then Kronos showed up and I woke up after he killed Harry but I think he would have killed Luke as well. There are nine of us and in my dream the Titans came back. Luke, a former foe, was switching sides and Kronos, who can control time, was either going to kill him or let him live.”

               “What about the two have seen but seven have not part?” Liam asked.

               “Percy and Jason have been part of prophecies and have fought before but the rest of us haven’t.”

               “That’s what I would think too,” Chiron said as he ushered us out of the house.

               “So what do we do now? Wait for Luke to show up and lead us to Kronos so you can stop him a second time,” Jason mocked.

               “Yes, and I suggest you all start training together so that you know each other’s strategies and tactics for a real fight.”

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