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               I did not like being shot into a cloud. We walked around trying to find Shelby when we stumbled over a rock that had, “Hypnos is near,” inscribed in Greek. “Here we are,” Liam stated. “Now, how do we get up there?” He tilted his head back and pointed to the pinkish cloud above us.

               “Jason, you and Niall should be able to control the winds and float us up there,” Percy said.

               “We can try,” Jason said hesitantly, eyeing Paige. She hasn’t said a word to anyone except me in the past three days we have been looking for Shelby. I think everyone was starting to worry about her.

               “I’ll go first,” Paige said as she released my arm for the first time all day.

               “Me too,” I said before Percy could.

               “Alright,” Niall said. “I’ll get Harry and you can get Paige.”

               I walked past Jason and grabbed his shoulders, pulling his head near mine. “You drop her and I’ll kill you without a second thought,” I hissed in his ear before I shoved him away. Harsh? Yes, unless you know how he’s been treating her and all of us for the past three days. Every chance he gets he makes fun of us for wanting to track down and save Shelby. He thinks that we should just keep going to the Grand Canyon and forget about her, but he’s the only one thinking like that so we try to ignore him.

               “On three,” Jason told Niall.

               “One, two, three,” they counted together. On three Paige and I shot up toward the cloud. I think we both screamed loud enough for people in Australia to hear us. We army rolled onto the cloud and held each other as tight as we could.

               “What are you doing here, Paige?” Shelby asked us as she approached with two other half-bloods behind her.

               “Saving you,” she said. “Luke didn’t hurt you did he?”

               “Why would my Lukie hurt me? He loves me.”

               “Do you love him?” I asked.

               “Obviously,” Shelby laughed. Oh brother, he brainwashed her already. “Wait, who are you?”

               “You don’t know who he is?” Paige asked.

               “No, should I?”

               “He’s one of the guys, Harry Styles, from our favorite band, One Direction.”

               “Never heard of him, and I don’t need saving.”

               “But you will,” Luke said as he slashed my leg and grabbed my hair. “The cloud moved so your friends can’t come right now, but I’m sure they’ll save you before finishing their stupid little quest.” I knew he was right as much as I wanted him to be wrong. “Take them to the Titan’s dungeons!” The two half-bloods tied our arms behind our backs and were dragging us who knows where when Shelby tried to help us.

               “Why are you doing this to them? They weren’t harming anyone,” Shelby said as the guards stopped.

               “They were going to,” Luke lied.

               “Shelb, don’t listen to him! He’s the bad guy!” Paige yelled.

               “They were going to take you away from me, and send me back to Tartarus.”

               “You belong in Tartarus!”

               “Hold your tongue, you stupid little girl, before I cut it off!” one of the guards yelled as he pulled her hair.

               “Take them to the dungeons,” Luke ordered and this time Shelby stayed silent.

               “Separate cells sir?” the other one asked.

               “No, let them suffer together. It will be fun to watch.” I don’t think he could have looked more evil if he had been the god of chaos.

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