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               The two boys dragged us down to a room that looked like the teleporter from Star Trek. We “beamed” somewhere as dark and cold as Luke’s soul seemed to be. “Here you are, heroes,” the one holding me sneered. They shoved us into a cell that looked like it was made from woven burnt bones.

               “Are you alright?” Harry asked as he tried to break the ropes around his arms.

               “I’m fine, are you?” I asked as I pulled my pocket knife out from my back pocket.

               “I’d be better if I could just break these stupid ropes.”

               “Well, you can’t, so stop before you hurt yourself,” I said as I cut through my ropes.            

               “How did you do that?”

               I pulled my pocket knife out from behind my back. “I never leave home without a pocket knife and a pistol.” I walked over to him and cut his ropes as well.

               “This is one of the reasons I love you,” he said as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

               “If one of the reasons is me loving weapons I’m scared to know what the others are.”

               “You’re not like normal girls, and neither is Shelby. You do what you like and don’t care what other people have to say about it.”

               “That’s the best way to be.” The words had just barely left my mouth when the lights shut off and we were left in total darkness. I screamed like a little girl and grabbed on to Harry’s arm as tight as I could.

               “A little scared of the dark, are we?” he teased as he wrapped his other arm around me.

               “Not scared of the dark, scared of what my mind sees in the dark.”

               “Well, since its lights out we might as well try to sleep.”

               “Yeah, we should.” He shuffled and laid down with me cuddled up to his side. I started humming what should have been an all too familiar song to him.

               “Are you humming my solo song?”

               “Yeah, I think it’s really pretty,” I yawned.

               “Now you were standing there right in front of me. I hold on it’s getting harder to breathe.” I knew the rest but didn’t get to hear Harry sing the rest of it because I was out like a light.

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