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               This day was going to be more life changing then anyone could have imagined. The boys came out and the girls screamed. I noticed Niall staring at Shelby and Harry staring at me. “Why are you even looking at her, Harry?” some shrill voiced girl yelled over the screams.

               “Yeah,” her friend added,” she looks like a dude.”

               They were starting to get out of hand. “Well, maybe I don’t want to be a little Barbie!” My fists were clenched and I was in a fighting stance. Next thing I knew Shelby pulled my hat off my head to keep me from punching someone.

               “Come up here,” Harry yelled in my direction. “Yes, monster truck shirt, I mean you.”

               I walked up or at least tried to. Someone kicked my knee that just about always ended up getting injured and I fell down with them laughing at me. “Thanks Shelb,” I muttered as someone helped me to my feet.

               “Love,” a boy’s voice said,” your friend is over there with Niall.”

               I looked up and saw Harry’s concerned face. “Oh, in that case thanks Harry.” I really hoped that my blush wasn’t as obvious as I thought.

               “Are you alright?” he asked as I limped to where the other boys were with his help.

               “I’m fine. I’m fine,” I repeated as Shelby asked me a hundred different questions about my knee. “I am fine. I just can’t run for the next little while.”

               “Alright, if you say so,” Shelby said before she ran over to where Niall was, leaving me with Harry.

               “I think we should leave,” I told Shelby and Harry after a few minutes and a lot of hurtful comments mixed with some threats.

               “Do you have to?” Harry and Niall wined at the same time.

               “I think it would be better to leave early then to stay and get mobbed when we all leave.”

               “Okay if you think so but could we get your numbers?”

               “Sure,” Shelby and I said as we wrote our numbers on their arms and they did the same for us. We both knew that we would lose a piece of paper.

               “I hope we get to see you again!” they yelled as we ran out of the room to our car. My knee healed back a lot faster than usual. It didn’t even ache as we ran to the garage.

               “You’re driving,” Shelby told me as she opened the passenger side door.

               “Alright,” I answered as I turned the key and Maroon 5 blasted. “If I can’t sleep then you can’t sleep,” I said after she shot me a death glare.

               We got home and I changed into my pajamas which was a tank top and athletic shorts. Shelby crashed in her clothes. I was on my way to bed when I heard the doorbell ring. I woke Shelby up and opened the door. A man with a Jamaican style hat and crutches was standing there. “Grab a weapon and come with me.”

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