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               Wow, and I thought that Annabeth was pretty. This girl is beautiful, her brown hair and her personality. I’m just glad her boyfriend is a new half-blood. That means he doesn’t fight as well as I do.

               “What are you looking at?” I asked after Paige had been staring at me for the whole car ride into the city.

               “The guy who tried to kill my brother multiple times,” she sneered as she cleaned her pistol and reloaded it with Celestial bronze bullets.

               “In my defense,” I started.

               “In your defense, nothing. You tried to kill him and many others and tried to take over the world.”

               “SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!” Jason yelled as we drove into the woods. “We need to stay focused in case a monster decides to attack.” Just after he finished that sentence my old friend Kelli and some of her friends decided to slash the tires on our van.

               “WHAT WAS THAT?” Zayn yelled as he sat bolt upright. Idiot must have been taking a nap.

               “That was my ex-girlfriend, Kelli and some of her empousa friends coming to eat us boys,” I said as calmly as if I had just told them my name.

               “Why only the boys?” Louis asked. “Why not the girls?”

               “Rude,” Paige yelled as she stabbed one through the window. “Plus, how many Greek tales have a girl killed in them? A lot more have boys killed in them, and girls were usually just killed by dragons in other countries.”

               “Alright then,” Harry trailed off. We all hopped out of the car and formed a close circle, ready to attack.

               “So nice to see you again Lukey,” Kelli hissed. “What are you doing with these, heroes?”

               “I’m helping them destroy Kronos.”

               “Then you will die along with them!” Then her and her friends attacked, one for each person to fight.

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