Chapter Two~ Adam

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Saying goodbye to Sam wasn't as hard as Adam had expected it to be. He was pleasantly surprised about this, and had been hoping that this time, between the two of them, she would be the one upset. This did not happen though, and she had seemed absolutely fine as she gathered his clothes for him in the morning and rushing him to put them on. She had been muttering something about that new boy of hers, Kyle, and that he would be coming over soon and she didn't want to be caught with him. Adam had wondered how many boys she had said this to while they had been dating.

When they were dating, she would walk him out of the house most mornings, kiss him on her front porch, and then wave as he drove away. Now that he knew the real her, she didn't do this. She hurried him out of the back entrance, gave him a messy opened mouth kiss that he wasn't expecting, and then went back inside. He rounded the house by himself, feeling dirty and gross for doing to this Kyle what had been done to him for five years, and ultimately torn his heart into zillions of little pieces that had to be put back together over a month, and then some.

The only good thing that had come of it was that he had fallen out of love with Sam, which he now realized would have ended in a disaster no matter what way it played out.

Adam's car was his in Sam's driveway and he pulled open the drivers side door as he looked up at the house to see if she was watching him from a window somewhere to wave one last time. She wasn't. Adam climbed into his car, glancing one more time before he pulled out of her driveway. Surprisingly, he wasn't at all disappointed.

It was a very familiar ride home, and he felt rather nostalgic. Once he left, he didn't think he'd ever come back to Sam. He wouldn't need her for sex when he came back. Adam had already decided that this was going to be his new start. New home, new school, and hopefully, a new girl.

As Adam pulled into his own driveway, his phone rang. After a glance at the screen, he put it on speaker. "Hello!" He said cheerfully, and the other end of the phone was silent for a long moment.

"Uh, hi, Adam," Alec sounded very unsure and Adam wondered why. Someone, besides Alec, cleared their throat on the other end of the phone.

"Mark? Is that you?"  Adam asked and it was once again quiet on the other end.

"Didn't you stay at Sam's last night?" Mark asked, his voice an octave deeper than Alec's. Adam was aware that Mark believed that his conquests with Sam, while she had a boyfriend, was a terrible idea, so the thought about his answer before he actually gave it.

"Yes," he said, taking a page from Alec's book and giving the simplest answer possible without lying.

"Didn't you have to say goodbye?" This was Alec speaking, which for some reason surprised him.

"Uhh," he said, looking at the closed garage door in front of him. "Yes." He then paused. "Why?"

"Well.... have you said goodbye already? Are you still there?" Alec questioned, and he heard Mark chuckle.

"No. I mean yes, I mean," he let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm at home. We've already said goodbye". Yet again, silence.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked, and now Mark full out laughed. On the other side of the line he heard Alec slap the other and then stifled laughter from the both of them.

"Why the integration?" Adam asked, still confused.

"Well," Mark said in the other end of the phone, and Adam could imagine Alec
staring at him attentively as he usually did whenever Mark was speaking, "we-"

"He" Alec corrected like he already knew what Mark was going to say.

"-we were wondering why you weren't at home crying like a bitch". Adam scowled as he heard Alec stifle his laughter. Alec and Adam may have know each other longer than Alec and Mark had, but never once had Alec sided with Adam over Mark. He was always quick to defended the other, and found it easy to laugh as Mark taunted Adam.

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