Chapter Twenty-Five~ Adam

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The second the door closed behind Mark and Alec, their seats were taken by two people. One of which, Adam really didn't want to see, the other he was confused about.

Jeremy spoke first. "What's going on with Alec and Mark. They seem close". Adam blinked at him, frowning. Jeremy Estes and him never really got along. The other was Mark's best friend before he had come to school with Alec and him, and Jeremy always seemed to be under the impression that Adam had stolen Mark from him.

"Care to introduce us?" Penny said, and Sam, who had taken a seat across from Adam and was trying to run her foot up his leg under the table, scowled at her.

"Sure," Adam said, gesturing between the two of them. "Penny, Jeremy. Jeremy, Penny". Jeremy didn't seem interested in her, but Penny blinked in surprise.

"That's my brothers name-"

"No one cares, bitc-"

"Hey!" Sam fell silent at Adam's shout, her eyes wide and Penny smiled.

"Can you please just answer my question? Is Alec available or not?" He asked, sounding exacerbated. Adam felt his eyes widen.


Jeremy looked embarrassed. "That wasn't the question you originally asked," Penny said. Jeremy's skin was red.

"You are interested in Alec?" This was Sam speaking, and she looked utterly disgusted. "I had sex with you and you're gay?"

"I'm not gay," he said, glaring at her, "I'm bisexual". Adam was very quiet as he processed all of this. "So?"

"Alec and Mark have been dating for a couple months now. If you try to break them up I will personally kick your ass," Adam said, and Jeremy looked disappointed. "Why do you-" Jeremy ignored Adam, standing up from his seat and walking right out of the diner. Adam met Penny's eyes and shrugged.

Sam cleared her throat. "Who are you and why are you sitting in my spot?" Sam asked, glaring at Penny. Adam ignored her.

"Are you done eating?" he asked and Penny eyed him cautiously before slowly nodding. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Yes please". She sounded relieved and Adam stood from his spot and she followed in suit. Sam's mouth was hanging open. "I'd say it was nice to see you again," Penny began, "but I don't like to lie".

"Nicely put," Adam commented, holding his hand out to Penny, and she laced her fingers with his. "Bye Sam". They were almost out the door when she called to him.

"If you walk out that door now Adam, we're over forever". His fingers tightened on Penny's as they left and he didn't even feel the need to look back.


Adam was fidgeting and Penny kept reaching over to still his hands. "Calm down, Adam. It's not that big of a deal".

"You have no idea," Adam said and Penny smiled warmly at him. "Penny, I barely know my step brother, and now you're going to meet him".

"I'm also going to meet your sister, who you love" Penny said, and Adam grimaced.

"Please don't mention that part when you're talking to her". Penny laughed and leaned over, pressing her lips against Adam's. "Penny, you can't distract me". This was a lie, because she was doing a pretty good job at doing just that, and she seemed to know it. They had to pull apart a moment later when there was a knock on the car window.

Adam cracked the window so he could just hear his sister's voice. "Sorry to interrupt, but you need to come inside sometime".

"Go away!" Adam said, rolling up the window completely. "Where were we?" Penny placed her hand over his mouth, giving him a pointed look before climbing out of the car. Adam watched as his sister and his girlfriend met in front of the car, and Julie enveloped Penny in a hug.

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