Chapter Nine~ Mark

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When Mark had woken up that morning, he felt as if  the day was going to be amazing. And it had been at first. He had woken up in Alec's bed and gone to see him and had hope that they were in the same page and that something would finally happen with them. It was a great day.

And then he opened the door to his own apartment, and the day didn't seem to be that great anymore.

Sitting on his, well technically Adam's, couch was a very happy looking blonde. She was wearing a navy shirt that buttoned down the front and had short sleeves. The buttons were bright pink, and she had a belt to match. Just the top of her looked horrible, but then there her tight tan shorts that displayed mostly all of her tan legs to the world. She stood when she saw Mark, and he caught a glimpse of her bright pink high heels with straps that wrapped around her ankles. "You look horrible".

She scowled at him, her pretty face contorting. "I see you're still the same old Mark," she turned her head to look at the counter when he had left all those beer cans from the night before. "Can't say I'm surprised though. It takes a lot longer than four months to fix someone as fucked up as you". Mark growled.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded, shutting the door behind himself. He noticed the bathroom door was closed and if he listened, he could faintly hear the sound of the running shower. "You're not just allowed to show up here, Sam. Not after what you've done to him".

While Adam bothered Mark endlessly, and they were constantly getting into arguments, Adam was still one of Mark's best friend, and, especially with Sam, he was protective of that. Sam simply smiled at him.

"I didn't just show up," she claimed, "he asked me to come". Mark had heard Adam's conversation with Sam yesterday morning, and was sure that wasn't a part of it.

"I heard him talking to you. I was sitting right next to him. He said no such thing," Mark demanded. He realized that the longer he talked to her, the louder his voice became. Before he spoke, he took a moment to consider the volume. "Go home, Sam. You're not wanted here".

"You were there with him when he called me last night?" She asked. Last night? Mark's face may have changed as he processed this new information because her smile widened as she stepped closer to him. "I doesn't matter what Adam wants anyways". She was directly in front of him and they stood face to face, nearly touching. "I think you want me here too".

Mark shook his head. "You don't know me nearly as well as you think you do," Mark said, and then realized how true it was. He wondered how she would react if he told her what he had done last night, if he told her how it felt to have Alec squirming beneath him.

"I think I know you pretty well Mark. I mean, we've kissed before. Remember?" She raised a hand and brushed his lips with her fingers and he growled, pushing her back. She stumbled on her heels and caught herself on the arm of the couch.

"We have not kissed!" He snapped. "You have kissed me". She shrugged, like the details didn't matter and sat down on the couch.

"Where's the remote?" She asked, like she hadn't just been hanging onto him with her face in his. "Why don't you have a coffee table? Are you poor?" She looked annoyed and Mark growled, crossing the room and picking up the remote that was on the counter along side of the empty beer cans. For a moment, he considered throwing it at her, but instead tossed it to the other end of the couch and made her reach. "Speaking of poor, wears Alec?"

Now he wishes he had hit her in the head with it. His teeth gritted painfully. "Don't".

"What?" She asked, looking at him blankly. "It's not like it's a secret". She noticed Mark's face. "I forgot that he was your sore spot".

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