Chapter Twenty~ Mark

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Mark had been thinking about doing it for the last twenty minutes, but refrained up until this point. He woke Alec up. The smaller boy blinked up at him with tired eyes and Mark immediately felt guilty. He brushed a hand over Alec's cheek and the other closed his eyes once more, leaning into his touch. "Baby, why don't you go sleep in my bed for awhile," Mark suggested and Alec groaned and sat up.

"No, I think I'm good". Mark simply watched as Alec's eyes closed again and he slowly began leaning towards the couch again. Mark laughed, taking Alec's hands and pulling him to his feet.

"Come on," he prompted, and began to pull Alec towards his room. Alec had gotten a couple of nightmares the night before, and they kept him up all night. Alec, of course, didn't tell Mark this until earlier today, probably knowing that the other boy would stay awake with him. The smaller groaned, leaning heavily against Mark as the boy pulled him. Mark tried to be as gentle as possible as he pushed the other down onto the bed. "I'll wake you up twenty minutes before fifth block starts so you'll have plenty of time".

The college had six class times over the course of the day, and there were twenty or so classes that happened in each block. This was nice, because Mark only ever had classes in block five and block three, so he knew what times they started and ended right away with minimal memorizing. It was also nice because on the days that Alec and him had classes at the same time, they could go together and walk back together, and more time spent with Alec meant Mark was just overall happier.

He moved to leave the room but Alec's cold hand moved to his wrist. "Stay with me, please," he asked, his blue eyes cracked open, and Mark sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a hand through the others hair.

"Of course". Alec sighed and closed his eyes.

"Talk to me please," Alec asked, rolling his body towards Mark and wrapping an arm around his waist. Mark grabbed Alec's hand with the one that wasn't still pushing through his hair. "About something happy. Your voice helps me sleep".

Mark grinned, gently pushing Alec away to make enough room for him to slide under the covers right alongside of him. Even though there was a whole other side of the bed, they chose to fit themselves onto one pillow, their entire front sides touching."Well," Mark began, and Alec relaxed at the sound of his voice. "We're going to live together. I'll move into your apartment, and we'll eat together, and sleep together, and wake up next to one another every morning". Alec's eyes were open now and he was studying Mark's face from top to bottom, and Mark started to do the same.

Alec had very delicate features. He was all soft edges and smooth skin, and Mark found himself wanting to explore that smooth skin until he knew everything about it. Alec's lower lip was being held between his teeth and Mark leaned forwards and gently transferred it to his own mouth, sucking gently, telling Alec what he was getting at although he was sure he already knew based on the close proximity of their lower halves.

Alec groaned softly but pushed Mark back. "What time is it?" he asked softly and Mark blinked.

"We have over three hours".

"Oh, good," Alec said simply, and then his leg was pushing between Mark's and rubbing against his erection. "Can you be quick?"

Mark laughed and rolled on top of Alec, "no". Alec looked up at him and laughed, suddenly looking very alive and awake.

"Good," he said, drawing Mark's lips down to his. Mark smiled, parting Alec's legs so he could fall between them.

They've been engaged in a sexual relationship for just over two days, and have so far had sex six times. This was probably a record for Mark, but he wasn't getting tired yet. Neither, apparently, was Alec, since he had been the one to insinuate five out of the six times. Normally, it would have been Mark, but seeing as he just took his virginity, he thought that Alec would be sore and want to take so time off of it... It being Mark. But no. Alec was constantly ready to fuck. And this was in Mark's mind when he said:

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