Chapter Eleven~ Alec

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A/N Okay. Shit's about to go down.

As soon as Adam had driven out of the parking lot, Alec's cold had was enveloped by Mark's warm one and he was pulled to his feet. Adam had taken the car they all had ridden in so they were forced to walk to Alec's apartment, with Alec being dragged behind Mark as the other eagerly pulled him along, muttering encouragements as if that would make him move faster. He didn't, and Mark couldn't seem to stand it, because he pulled Alec to the side, into the small gap between two apartment buildings and pressed him against the wall, kissing him eagerly for a minute before pulling him away again, down the street again.

"Come on, Alec," He urged, and Alec, for Mark of course, because he wasn't desperate, quickened his pace. "Good boy".

When they got to Alec's apartment, Mark was tripping over himself to get up the stairs, nearly pulling Alec to the floor. Alec laughed,watching his desperation as he stopped at the landing of his floor, out of breath as his hands began roaming Alec's frame, finding his keys in his back pocket and removing them swiftly. He held them in front of Alec's face, but Alec's eyes were looking past them into his.

Mark smiled. "Shall we?" Alec raised a hand, taking the key from him.

Their fingers touched and he smiled. This boy in front of him, this boy with dirty blond hair and light blue eyes who's made him laugh and smile like no one else could. He couldn't believe his luck. "We shall".

This time it was Alec who took the lead, pushing out of the stairwell and pulling Mark down the hall. The others additional hand moved to Alec's waist absent mindedly as Alec unlocked his front door. "This would have been so much easier if we lived together". Alec laughed, falling through the door. "Just think about it Alec". As he kicked his door shut, Mark grabbed his hips, pulling him against him. Alec's hands found their way into Mark's hair, groaning as the other boys warm thumbs brushed against the skin above his waistband. They didn't kiss, just got extremely close to one another. "Don't we need to talk?" Mark asked, his eyes trained solely on the others mouth.

"We do," Alec agreed, and Mark smiled. His feet moved, pushing Alec backwards through the apartment. Alec reached his hand out behind him, and he soon found the knob to his bedroom. Opening it, the door swung open and Mark continued pushing him.

"Let's talk then," Mark said, hiking one of Alec's legs around his waist before they fell on top of the bed. Alec gasped at Mark's weight above him, his hands moving to the others back. "Come on Alec. Talk to me". Alec swallowed as Mark kissed his throat lightly. "I'm waiting".

Alec cleared his throat, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the feeling of Mark's lips on his skin. "Wh- uhh, What do you want to know?"

"I want to know if you like me," Mark said simply, kissing his jaw and Alec laughed.

"Of course I like you".

"How much?" Mark whispered, but the room was so quiet that he could have been yelling with the same effect. Alec shivered and Mark pushed up his shirt, warm fingers resting against his abdomen.

"A lot," Alec admitted, his eyes still scrunched shut. "So much more than Adam". Mark laughed, nipping at his skin with beautiful white teeth.

"Tell me more".

"I like you like I'm not supposed to. I like you like I'm supposed to like a girl". Mark bit his ear and Alec whimpered, his cold hands moving up the back of Mark's shirt, caressing the boy's burning skin.

"For how long?"

"Have I known I was gay?" Alec asked, not waiting for Mark's response. "I had my first kiss freshman year in high school. It was horrible". Mark laughed against his skin and Alec realized his mistake. "Junior year. Obviously. I fell asleep... in your bed. I barely slept. You were so warm and, and," Alec broke off, thinking about the memory.

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