Chapter Seventeen~ Mark

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A/N So when I wrote this the first time I was very VERY uncomfortable, but then I rewrote it and relaxed a bit and this happened, so yeah.

Anyways, I guess you could say that there is a WARNING on this chapter for sexual content. I'll mark in bold at where it ends Incase you don't want to read that part. Enjoy ;)

Mark was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. Wondering if it was morning yet, he sat up, looking towards the window. It was still dark outside, so he checked the time on his buzzing phone. Twelve forty two. So it technically was morning. He answered. "Hello?"

"Hey," Alec said softly on the other line and Mark quickly blinked his eyes to wake himself faster.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, knowing the boy well enough to know he wouldn't have called and woken him up if he needed him.

"I'm in front of your house". The line dropped and Mark climbed out of bed, thinking about how Alec had yet to answer his question. He hurried through the house, trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking his family. When he pulled open the front door, Alec was standing on the front porch, his face turned down and away from the light there. First, Mark noticed that Alec was wearing his hoodie. Then, he took in the others awkward stance and how he was deliberately avoiding the light. Without a word, Mark grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at him.

"Christ". Alec's eyes were looking anywhere but at his face as Mark studied his. Over his left eye was a big purple bruise that looked to be slowly swelling his eye shut. "Come on," Mark instructed, grabbing the others arm and pulling him inside the house.

"Mark, I'm fine," Alec insisted as he was pulled towards Mark's kitchen. Mark pulled open the the freezer and grabbed an ice pack, wrapping it in paper towel. "Mark".

"Don't," Mark said simply, grabbing Alec's hips and lifting the smaller so he was sitting on the peninsula. Alec groaned. "Don't tell me that you're fine. It's lying to my face". Alec's dark blue eyes were trained on him for a moment longer and then closed as Mark held the ice pack against his face. It was quiet between them, just the sound of Alec's deep breathing. "Does he still have it?"

Alec took a long time to respond. "Have what?"

"The gun that be shot Sadie with?" Alec swallowed loudly, and that one sound said it all. "Jesus Alec".

"You were right," Alec said after a minute. "I should have listened to you". Mark shook his head.

"It was unfair of me to tell you what to do," Mark said, the fingers of his other hand running over the skin of Alec's wrist. "I was just worried". Mark pulled the ice pack back and looked at Alec's eye closely. The swelling had gone down in the last couple of minutes but the color has darkened.

"You don't need to worry about me," Alec said, his eyes searching the others and Mark simply looked up at him.

"Yes I do," Mark whispered, and then Alec was leaning forward and his mouth was on Mark's.

It was a soft kiss, not tongue or teeth, just easing into the feeling of being pressed together so tightly here, with the refrigerator buzzing in the background and the ever present hum of the air conditioning working through the house. Alec clutched onto Mark, his fingers curling into fists on the front of his shirt and Mark carefully parted the other's legs with cold hands from holding the ice pack upon his swollen eye. A soft sound of pleasure left the smaller as Mark rested between his thighs, his hands resting on his jeans there, fingers moving, just barely but still going, upwards.

Mark wondered who would be the first to take it further. To finally get impatient with this slow pace they were moving, sweet and comfortable, like either one of them could break, and not at all dangerous. This, to Mark, was his way of giving Alec total control. If this is what Alec wanted, this painfully slow pace with no desperation or desire, this is what Mark would willingly give him. But if Alec wanted more, he would have to ask for it. Whether it was asked with words, or with a quick flick of his tongue over bottom lip, and Mark was gladly give more to him.

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