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2/3/17- This is it. This is really really it. I still have a lot of editing to do, and a list of things I'm going to take out, and add, but this is the last chapter I'm going to start for this. This is a really big deal for me. I've been writing this for a really really long time. Years. I've been trying to write this book forever, and I eventually just sat myself down and said I was going to do it until I got it right. And I did. So this is it. This is what I've wanted since I was eleven. And now it's about to be over.

Fun fact- This epilogue is the first thing I wrote. Not all together, but each snippet of this was written over the years as just an idea, and now I'm turning it into an ending.

3/10/17 So I'm posing it now. Yeah. So this is it, for a long while, I'm guessing. I'm kinda sad that this is ending, but I'm really happy for them. I've been trying to write this for years and I feel like its finally closure.

Three Years Later

Mark thought that the night had gone better than planned. He had casually asked Alec to spend the rest his life with him, and Alec had casually responded with, "if it's not trouble," and then he smiled the smile Mark adored and hugged him, muttering about how much he loved him in Mark's ear. He also said that it was about time. Adam and Penny had been married for almost a year.

And then, Mark was left waiting for him to get home. It had long since gotten dark out, and Alec had taken the car hours ago to run to the pharmacy down the street.

They were seniors, and Mark was just about finished with his business program and already had a job lined up after graduation, and Alec was getting ready to move to Madison for four years for grad school in his veterinarian program. Since they were in their final year, and they would have to struggle through long distance for four years, they went to the pharmacy often for two main things. Alcohol, and aspirin. The alcohol was for Mark, which he drank in moderation in respect to Alec. The aspirin was for Alec, who spent so long sitting in front of computers writing paper after paper that his head often ached to the point of tears, and only silence, darkness, and aspirin could take care of it.

Alec had left to get more of this, and he had yet to return. Mark was about to go out and look for him when his phone rang. "Baby?"

"Hey, don't freak out," Alec said quickly, and Mark blinked.

"Why would I freak out?" Mark asked. He was even more concern now, and then even more so when he heard Adam's voice in the background. "Where are you, Alec".

"The hospital," Alec said, and Mark stood quickly, tripping over his feet as he hurried to get his shoes on. "I told you not to freak out".

"Why the fuck are you at the hospital?" Mark asked, he looked around for the keys. "Do you have the car?"

"No. If I did, this wouldn't have happened" Alec said, and Mark paused.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I'm an idiot who can't stay vertical as he walks," Alec said, and then he groaned loudly. "Could you just come to the hospital, please? I want to see you and Adam's annoying me".

There was protest on the other line. "Why is Adam there?"

"He's the one who found me," Alec said simply, clearing his throat.

"Have you told him?" Mark asked, and Alec was silent. "Alec?"

"No. Please come". The line dropped and Mark looked at his phone. Like Mark wouldn't go to the hospital. Like he needed to be asked. He was marrying a mad man.

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