Chapter Fourteen~ Alec

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It was a friday, and Alec and Mark were leaving to return home in approximately six hours. They had been together for about month now, and Alec was nervous to see Mark's Family for the first time since they had begun their relationship. Mark was also incredibly nervous, he could tell, since the other had no ideas on how to go about and tell his family that he was gay and engaged in a month long relationship with the boy who had practically lived with them for the past five years.

Alec had been trying to calm him over the past week, but it wasn't really been working. He was possibly making things worse, since he still refused to have sex with the other.

Mark had continuously assured he was fine with this, but had been taking a lot of showers and Alec was getting concerned.

Mark's Family was not the only thing Alec was worried about as they prepared to return home. His father had been on the back of his mind too. He hadn't told him that he was leaving for college, he had just left. Alec wasn't sure how this would have affected his father. The man constantly called him a waste of space and spoke of how he wished his son would just leave, but Alec also knew that his father had no money and relied on him for some things, even if he'd never admit it.

Mark leaned over and blew in Alec's ear, causing him to jump and swat at the other as he tried his best to focus on the documentary their professor had them taking notes on.

When they had been scheduling for classes, Alec and Mark had wanted to assure that they'd have at least one class in common. This was difficult as Alec was a veterinary science major and Mark was a business major. They found common ground in social studies, since neither of them needed it for their majors, but the college required that they earn a one credit of it to graduate.

Taking the same class, it occurred to Alec only now, was a poor choice for the both of them, since they both needed the credit, but easily got distracted in each other that the simple course was becoming Alec's biggest struggle. Mark's hand moved to Alec's knee. They sat like that for a moment, but the second Mark's fingers began creeping upwards, Alec at him, pushing it off.

"Not now, Mark," He said, though it was pointless to protest because he was already going to have to rewatch the documentary later due to his day dreaming. Alec looked down at the paper in front of him. It was titled, Ancient Greek Religion, and then the rest of it was blank. He then glanced at Mark, who had yet to title his paper, and rolled his eyes. "We're so going to fail".

Mark's fingers were on his knee again, pulling Alec's mind from their inevitable doom back to the feeling of skin against his own. He shivered. "So?" Mark whispered in his ear, "then we'll just take it again and again and again". Alec turned to him, hating that his eyes immediately focused on the others mouth.

"Then we won't ever graduate". Mark grinned at him, his fingers sliding up once again, and Alec jerked away from him, suddenly realizing how close their faces had gotten. He glanced around. They were sitting the furthest back in the class, and everyone seemed to be facing forwards and actually paying attention and taking notes like they were supposed to.

Alec slid down in his seat, groaning and tapping his pencil onto his paper. Mark's hand was still working on his legs, his fingers rubbing in circles on the inside of his thigh. Alec was going insane, squirming in his seat. He kept reaching up to grip Mark's wrist, fighting with himself, wanting to pull Mark's hand closer and at the same time push it away.

Mark grinned, his hand gripping tighter, noticing that Alec was struggling. A groan left Alec as Mark's hand slid up again, almost brushing against his erection before his fingers slipped away again. Alec had enough, pushing Mark's fingers off of and replacing them with his own. It would go faster this way, but seeing Mark's reaction was worth it too. "Alec, what are you doing, Alec?"

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