Chapter Twenty-Two~ Mark

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Mark was about to answers Adam's question, which was unprofessionally, what the fuck, when Alec groaned loudly. He had heard the sound of Alec's head hitting the table, but hadn't really process that until this second. "You're not important right now, Adam," Mark said, ignoring the throbbing from Alec kneeing him and sliding off of the couch to kneel in front of his boyfriend. Alec was clutching his head with both hands, and looked absolutely miserable. And beautiful, but he always looked like that. "Baby?"

"My head," was all he mumbled and Mark felt helpless, gently pushing Alec's hair away from his face so he could see it.

"I think we need to-"

"We are not going to the hospital twice in one day," Adam insisted, and then he was behind Mark and roughly pushing him out of the way.

"What the fuck do you think-"

"I think he has a concussion. I'll be able to tell if you get out of my way and let me look at him," Adam said, his voice calm as his green eyes met Mark's. He moved out of the way and Adam took his place in front of Alec. "Can you open your eyes for me please?"

It was a brief examination, but it seemed to be enough for Adam, because when he stood up, pushing a hand through his hair, he said confidently, "he's concussed". Alec groaned loudly, muttering something about how it was too bright and Penny, who Mark just noticed was standing in the doorway, quickly turned them off. "He's going to be really tired, but you can't let his sleep tonight".

Despite the situation, Mark found himself making a joke. "I know one or two things that could keep him up". Adam ignored his smile and looked at him blankly.

"Any form of sexual pleasure will make him feel like his head is exploding," Adam said blankly, and then shook his head. "I think I need to go to bed".

He simply locked himself in his bedroom and Mark knelt back down by Alec. Penny still stood in the doorway, and Mark raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "I guess I'm not needed anymore,"her voice trailed off. "Do you need help with him?"

"I've got it," Mark insisted, and Penny nodded at him and then left, closing the door behind her. Mark immediately turned his attention back to Alec. "What can I do to help you, baby?" Alec removed his hands from his eyes and grabbed Mark's wrists, pressing his hands in almost the exact places that his own had been seconds before. "I'm so sorry".

"It wasn't your fault". Mark knew this, but felt like it was. "Adam..."

"Will be fine," Mark assured, and he wasn't just saying it for Alec's sake. Adam would get over it quickly once he realized that everything would be the same. Not even the same, better. Better that what it has been lately, with the secrets and the lying. Now the three of them could actually do things together once again, and Mark knew Adam would like that. "How am I going to keep you up all night?"

"You don't?" Alec said softly, and Mark shook his head sadly. "I'm tired".

"I know," was all Mark said before he slipped his hand into Alec's and helped him to his feet. "Let's go lay down".

Alec's voice was very quiet when he said, "no sleeping". He seemed dazed and Mark nodded in agreement.

"No sleeping". Alec slowly followed him into Mark's dark room and crawled on the bed, pressing his face onto the pillow and groaning. "Alec". A groan was his response. "Alec".

"Talk to me about something to keep me awake".

Mark took a moment to think as he climbed into bed next to the other. "What do you want me to talk about?"

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