Chapter Six~ Adam

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A/N Happy valentines day. This isn't a really romantic chapter or anything, but it's fun for me :) So close you can almost taste it. 

Also, He (up there) is my perfect Adam. 

Adam was absolutely tired of laying around. Alec had started work yesterday, and Mark had been somewhere, and they were the only two people he actually knew in this area, so he had been forced to stay home. It was horrible.

He drank all of the beers, and then his mother had called him. Somehow, she had instantly picked up that he was tipsy and lectured him for a good hour about how important his education was and how hard it was to maintain one while being a partier. He had rolled his eyes at this point, biting his lips to keep from pointing out that Julie had been out almost every night and had done fine in school and was quite successful now. His mother hadn't even gone to college. She was raised to be a housewife, and Adam wondered what she actually knew about the college experience. It would make her angry to ask, so he remained quiet.

After his conversation with his mother, he had called Mark and instructed him to go buy more beer. By the time he got back with it, it was dark out and he no longer had a vehicle. Adam really didn't want to know, so he didn't bother to ask.

Before they had gone to bed the night before, Adam used his phone to search for clubs in the area, knowing Mark wasn't going to like it, but he knew he wouldn't make him go alone.

That's why when Mark said no, first thing in the morning, Adam ignored him. "You need to look good if we're going to find a girl who is actually willing to sleep with you," Adam began, pushing into Mark's bedroom. Mark hollered from the living room that Adam better stay the fuck out of his stuff, but Adam ignored that too. "Unless," he exited the room holding a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. He held them up for Mark to see before throwing them on the couch, "you hit it off with that girl you went to coffee with yesterday?"

Mark made a face. "I don't want to hit it off with anybody". Adam thought about how Mark's last girlfriend was during their Freshman year of high school.

That was a funny story. Janet, her name was, and Mark dated for a month. By the end of that month, Mark lost his virginity in taking hers, and then dumped her the next morning. Surprisingly, this was how Mark's sex life had begun. Girls began to view him as someone who needed to be changed and they all wanted to change him. Janet most definitely wasn't the last person Mark had sex with, but she was his last girlfriend.

"If you don't find a girl soon, you're going to have to marry Alec, and I don't think either of you want that". This seemed to be the wrong thing to say because Mark suddenly got very frustrated.

"Fine" Mark snapped, pushing the stool by the Peninsula that he was sitting by back forcefully as he stood. Adam blinked in surprise as he stopped over to the couch and picked up his cloths.

"Well you don't have to do it now. It's only noon. You still have like, nine hours to get ready". Mark threw the clothes back down and stomped out of the room angrily. Adam jumped as he heard Mark's bedroom door slam.

Adam blinked in confusion at his friend's sudden anger but quickly moved it to the back of his mind. Mark often got angry at him for seemingly no reason at all. This was not new.

Instead of dwelling, Adam took out his phone and dialed Alec's number, perfectly aware the the boy was probably still sleeping, or even possibly working, but he felt like it was ridiculous to be asleep at noon, and that working was much less important than him. As Adam held the phone to his ear, he once again realized that he was kind of a dick. "Hello?" Alec's voice was groggy and Adam could almost picture him now; black hair tangled atop his head and eyes scrunched shut to keep the sun out.

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