Chapter Twelve~ Mark

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Mark woke up at three in the afternoon with Alec sprawled across his chest and a smile on his face. For the first time ever, Mark woke up after a... uh, sexual experience feeling overcome with joy. He kissed the top of Alec's head, trying to smooth the boys messy black hair. It apparently impossible and Mark laughed. Alec grumbled, his small hands clutching at Mark's shirt. "Go back to sleep".

"You've got to wake up Alec," Mark whispered into his ear, and Alec groaned loudly.

"My bed, my rules," He mumbled in return, and Mark shook with laughter. "Stop that".

"Laughing?" Mark asked, and Alec nodded against him with a groan. "I can't help it. You make me laugh". Alec looked up at him suddenly, looking so innocent that it was hard for Mark to believe that three hours ago, this boy had actually gotten him to beg, which was something that Mark had never done in bed before.

"Why do I make you laugh?" Alec asked, his dark blue eyes astoundingly wide. "I'm not funny". Mark smiled at him.

"You, my Alec, are so many things". The boy smiled. "We should get up though. Adam's probably wondering where I went, and we also should pick something up to eat that we can bring back to the apartment". Alec groaned and rolled off of him.

"We should?" He asked, his voice small.

"Huh?" Mark sat up, pushing a hand through his hair.

"We should. As in you want me to go with you back to your apartment?" Alec asked, and Mark dropped his hand, blinking his his repeatedly to get used to the sunlight coming in through the window.

"Oh," Mark said, nodding. "Yeah. I mean, only if you want to, that is". Mark looked at Alec as he nodded. "What is it Alec?"

The boy turned to him, his face lighting up. "Can we get Chinese food?" He asked, and Mark laughed at this.

Alec had a passion for all different kinds of food, specifically Chinese. This was mostly Adam's fault, because when he had been learning Mandarin, he had practiced by ordering Chinese food for them all of the time. And by all the time, Mark meant lunch and dinner most days. So often that Mark had stopped going to Adam's house for free food, but then it just started showing up at his own house. Eventually, the restaurant had recognized Adam by his phone number, and the only thing Adam would end up saying was "shì" when they asked him if he wanted the usual delivered to the usual.

This is why they stopped ordering chinese, since it because kind of pointless for Adam's learning, but Alec had to go through withdrawal from fortune cookies. "You and chinese food," Mark said, standing. Alec flipped around in bed, propping his legs up onto the wall.

"It's good. I don't like it as much as you think I do," Alec was staring up at him and Mark leaned forwards, kissing his lips quickly.

"I've payed attention Alec, I think I know," Mark pointed out, moving to pull back but one of Alec's hands found its way into his hair.

"You weren't paying close enough attention then," Alec whispered,and Mark searched his eyes.

He thought back to an afternoon at Adam's house.

Adam spoke quickly into the phone, saying things in a foreign language that neither Mark nor Alec understood. The two of them were arguing about what movie to order with Adam's debit card. Adam's mother walked through the living room, looking at the two of them in disappointment and they boys fell silent before Mark barked a laugh and Adam hung up the phone.

"They're probably already turning onto the street. They already know the order," Adam claimed, reaching into his wallet and talking out a ten, handing it to Alec.

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