Chapter 7-Rider

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"I feel the rise of the storm...the silence won't go...a violence won't tell you...lord you miss will miss me when I'm gone..."

E!News: Actor and singer Jared Leto has passed away four weeks ago, leaving a lot of pain among everyone in the world. The tragic news of his death came in a press release by his wife, singer Anka Leto a few hours after an ambulance was spotted in their Hollywood home.

Jared's death left everyone speculating. Jared's band announced a sixth album and a world tour, but so far no one confirmed if it was going to be released after his death or not. The future of the band is also insecure. With the sudden death of the singer, things remain uncertain at the minute.

We may be facing an end of an era as it is. So far, the only comments made by Leto's representatives were to give the family privacy in these troubled times. His wife Anka Leto, hasn't yet come to a conclusion and ever since the funeral hasn't been seen.


Anka stood up from the sofa feeling her entire body hurt. So far in the last month the only good thing she did was attend the reading of Jared's will and sorting out his personal fortune. But then again Jared had a good deal of money blocked into several businesses, so she decided to leave it to his lawyer to sort. It wasn't like he didn't leave a good amount of money for her and the children to live comfortably out of. And it wasn't like she needed the money. Her first album generated massive revenue and her second album wasn't doing bad either.

She heard the gate open and was brutally interrupted from her thoughts. She looked out the window and saw Shannon followed by Emma.

Shannon walked inside the house, followed by Emma and sighed when he saw Anka on the sofa. He knew Anka was having trouble adjusting herself with the fact that Jared wasn't there anymore, but he didn't know it was that bad.

The living room was a mess and it didn't look at all like Anka was even bothered by it. There were open bottles of water scattered everywhere and a few boxes of take away food thrown on the island counter in the kitchen, giving out a rotten smell. Not that she cared about it.

"I came bearing coffee...", said Shannon, timidly holding up two travel mugs.

"Thank you...If it wasn't for you bringing the coffee I would've probably hid a bit longer in between the sheets. Morning Emma and sorry for the mess, I wasn't expecting company.", she waved in Emma's direction as she pulled her greasy hair up in a bun and stood up from the sofa.

In fairness Anka knew she was quite smelly, but she couldn't come round to do anything.She just spent half the time in the house, wearing Jared's clothes and rarely ordering some gross take away food.

"Anka, I came to talk to you..., started Emma.

"What's there to talk about? Did anything happen?", asked Anka softly, focusing her attention on Emma.

Shannon took a seat next to Emma on a chair and listened to the conversation.

"Anka, look, the problem is that...nothing is actually happening...I know everything is still raw for you, and we all miss Jared...but things have to move way or the other...", continued l

Anka took another sip of her coffee and waited for Emma to continue. In the meantime she opened a window and began to put the boxes in the trash.

"You know the band was working on an album...but...given the circumstances...there's nothing to be done anymore but cancel everything... the fact that Jared died changes a lot of things Anka. The label is thinking of dismantling the band. Of course the breech of contract will have to be paid and..."

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