Chapter 12-Surprises

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"Too many fights and we cried...but never said we're sorry...stop saying you love me..."

TMZ News: The winner does take it all! Anka Leto, the wife of late actor and musician Jared Leto takes away all the awards she and Thirty Seconds to Mars have been nominated for.

Comes to show that the Leto legacy is still strong. The night was full of surprises from the very beginning, Anka being escorted by her brother-in-law Shannon Leto at the awards. Came in as pretty natural, given the fact that the band was nominated too. The pair looked stunning Anka Leto wearing a custom dress by Ralph Lauren and Shannon Leto, looking dashing in Armani. The surprise of the evening was the fact that Shannon Leto gave a speech after accepting an award, thanking Anka 'for the determination and the sacrifice she had made for the good of everyone'.

Anka also paid a tribute to her late husband Jared Leto who died earlier this year, not leaving a single eye in the room dry. She played an orchestrated version of the song 'Kings and Queens', with the help of the Royal London Orchestra
reminding everyone that Jared will always be in our hearts.

The singer also decided not to wear any jewelry except for her engagement and wedding ring. A classy and delicate presence from the beginning until the end.

Anka and Thirty Seconds to Mars are on tour in Europe and we expect more good things to come out of this collaboration.


On the way back to their hotel Anka leaned her head gently on Shannon's shoulder. She didn't want to do the after party at all. The only thing she wanted to do now was just go into her room and cry surrounded by all the awards.

It was the first time she attended an award show without Jared, not counting the Music Awards a year ago. They seemed to be attached by the hip and took by storm the red carpet together. It was another cold reminder that Jared won't be coming back anytime soon. Now, she wished that Jared was alive and acting like a child. The alternative was too sad to remember.

"Come on I'll walk you to your room.", said Shannon softly, helping her out with the awards.

"Thanks Shannon.", replied Anka as she pressed the elevator button that led them to the top floor.

They stood in silence for the rest of the way to Anka's room. Shannon tried to put away the thought that was going on and on in his head. As each day went by he felt his old feelings for her resurface. And that was wrong on far too many levels. Anka was his brother's wife and the mother of his nephews. She was in grief and she loved Jared. Those thoughts were more than inappropriate and they had to be put to rest.

"Shan...", said Anka as she interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Yes...", said Shannon as he took over the awards for her to open the door.

"Can you please stay with me tonight?", asked Anka as she slowly opened the door.

Shannon didn't know what to say. A part of him wanted to do that because he felt the feelings he used to have for her surface. The rational part of him told him it was really wrong. Despite the fact Jared died, Anka was still his sister in law.

Still, he nodded and followed her into her room. Anka carefully put the awards on the table and went to her bedroom. Shannon waited for about half an hour until Anka came back, wearing a pair of pajamas and her hair pulled up in a bun on top of her head.

"You know you can come to bed and get some sleep. You don't have to stand there...",said Anka as she slowly started to take off her makeup.

"I'll sleep here on the sofa.", said Shannon, gently patting the sofa.

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