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Joanne Violet Leto

"Here with us tonight, one of the most loved actresses of her generation, daughter of famous singers Anka and Jared Leto, on a special edition of Jimmy Kimmel, let's give a warm welcome to Joanne Leto!", said Jimmy presenting her to the audience.

Jo walked down the stage where Jimmy was waiting for her in the applauded of the entire audience. Twenty seven years ago her mother did the same. She never thought about it, but she had some big shoes to fill. And she was going to do it, gracefully.

"Hello and welcome...Wow, when I look at you I feel that I'm talking to your mother. The resemblance is...I'm speechless.", said Jimmy as he took a seat at his desk.

"Thank you. I will take it as a compliment. Indeed these are some big shoes to fill.", replied Jo with a smile.

"I bet you get that a lot. People confusing you with your mother. Seriously you look like her!", replied Jimmy in surprise.

A collage of photos of Anka and her on various red carpet events on screen and Jo giggled at the resemblance. The only difference between them were Anka's tattoos and her eye colour.

"I do get that a lot. Although when I was a child I looked more like my father than my mother.", laughed Jo.

"So, twenty three, an Academy Award, three Golden Globes and two BAFTA awards. You have had a very good career track so far. How did your life change ever since?"

"Honestly, not much. My family was always in the spotlight for one reason or the other. Me and my brothers come from a family with a very rich tradition, so one way or the other I was always in the spotlight from a very early age."

"Both your parents have left a great legacy for you and your brothers. And you have a very touching speech when receiving your Oscar. It was a tribute to both your parents."

"It was a very emotional moment for me. Being nominated was a big thing, winning was a completely different other thing. I realised after I was done with my speech that I didn't thank my brothers. Nor my publicist. Fortunately they weren't angry at me. But I kinda felt embarrassed that I left them out.", replied Jo.

"Well, it was a very beautiful moment nevertheless. Jared was so proud of you! What was it like to grow up with two equally talented brothers and two famous parents?"

"When you come from two famous parents, and an equally famous family from my father's side, you sometimes tend to think that you deserve everything just because. Fortunately all three of us were raised to work hard for everything we have. And if any of us would get it to our heads we would be reminded that everything we had so far was because our parents hard work."

"You have a very close relationship with your brothers and family. You never seem to be without them. Doesn't that get tiring at some point? Are there any times in your life when you feel that you want to focus more on yourself?"

"No, not really. My dad and my uncle had the same relationship growing up. So we based a lot on the principle monkey sees, monkey does. I love spending time with my family, despite our somewhat different career choices and different schedules. Work is work and when we get together as a family work issues are left at the door."

"You mentioned in your acceptance speech that your mother was a university dropout. And that you did the same."

"Yes that's right. My mother was a university dropout. I was in my third year of high-school when I accepted my first role. My father wasn't too happy about the idea of me dropping out high-school, so I only took small roles that wouldn't take too much of my time. And on my first year of university I got my first major role. Needless to say my father was super pissed when he found out I was going to dropout university, but in the end he supported me."

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