Chapter 3-Blood Links

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"I heard an unhappy sort of sounds like you are leaving...I heard the piledriver woke me up this morning..."

As weeks passed by Jared was feeling more and more drained. Ever since Emma announced her pregnancy to him, he began to worry how he would deliver the news to Anka.

Sure, he could've just pretended that the kid wasn't his, but Emma was clearly not of the same opinion. Plus hiding the truth wouldn't be a good idea. Half his DNA was in there somewhere and if the story was the same as for Anka's pregnancy the kid would've looked like him a lot more than he would've wanted.

"So, I have my first doctor's appointment today...", said Emma, as Jared stirred angrily in a coffee cup.

"Do you want to go through with this? The pregnancy?", asked Jared as he was squeezing his tea cup in his hand.

"Why wouldn't I? I gave up nearly all hopes when it came to having kids and tried all treatments with Tom. Having this kid is a gift from God. You're gonna break that cup soon Jared. Calm down. It's a baby, it's not a bomb.", said Emma, giving Jared a glare.

"For you it's a baby. A promise of a new life. For me it's the end of my life as I know it. I don't know if you realise the consequences that will follow if Anka finds out? If her family finds out? I've been walking on eggshells around my in laws ever since I came back home. If the news comes out that I left you pregnant, there's a very big possibility that I will never get to see her or my kids ever again.", said Jared.

"Since when did you start caring about your in laws?", laughed Emma.

"Since they made it pretty clear that I'm only tolerated in their presence. And around my kids...and around my wife."

"So what do you suggest Jared?"

"Give up this idea of keeping this pregnancy....", said Jared.

He didn't mean it, but that's what he felt about it. He felt that if he was forced to keep this secret any longer he would burst.

"Well, I'm not going to have an abortion. I don't really care that Anka finds out. We are both in this mess. It's my kid too, I have the right to have a saying in this.", said Emma.

"As I told you before I will never divorce Anka. This woman has gone through far too much over the years for me...especially in the last few months."

"And what's the point of all that sacrifice she made if you don't really remember much of it anyway? Don't you see Jared? That you two weren't actually meant to be together?", asked Emma.

"I went back to her for a reason Emma. I will never divorce Anka. What you thought would happen will never happen.", said Jared raising his tone.

Emma felt her cheeks burn with anger but still she didn't go on. Jared was fixed on the idea that he belonged with Anka and no child would've changed that. Not even their child.

"Ok...there's no point in you wanna go with me to the doctor's appointment? I've already talked to doctor Price."

"Yeah...why not?", said Jared.

He threw a couple of crumpled notes on the table and the two headed to his car. Doctor Price's office wasn't far from the cafe they met in, so Jared was happy he didn't have to go through with all the crazy traffic during that time of day. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and knew exactly who was calling him.

His heart cringed at the thought that Anka was patiently waiting for him to come home. He promised her and the kids that they will go to Dublin for a couple of days before the shoot of her second video and before the movie award season madness. And he was already behind schedule.

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