chapter four.

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holy grail.

holy grail

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John had called while Myra had been fast asleep. They were scheduled to begin practicing the next day. Myra, though she was half asleep, managed to remember. So, at seven in the mroning she was dressed and walked where she was instructed to go.

She had dressed in a simple blue shirt with a pair of black leggings. She had thrown on a jacket before she left where she kept her hands stuffed in the pockets. Outside was slightly damp from the rain they recieved during the night. The door was propped, revealing dancers and others already inside.

She was careful to wipe her shoes but they still squeaked on the wooden floor. She walked over to where John was, leaning against a wall.

"Good, you're here!" John said as he noticed her walking towards him. "Michael should be here soon, but he's running late. First we're going to get the choreography going then you and Michael can work on your parts."

"Okay," nodded Myra. "What's the video gonna even be about?"

"Where it's Thriller, Michael and I decided to do a sort of zombie theme," answered John. "But it's gonna start out with a werewolf."

John explained the idea he had in mind. Myra took in all of the information about the music video. Werewolves, zombies, a movie theater, the woods. All this movie seemed to need was a vampire and it was set.

Michael arrived late as John said he would. He was dressed in a pink Mickey Mouse shirt with a pair of jeans. He looked surprisingly normal for someone as famous as he was.

He joined John and Myra, quickly apologizing for being late. They both shrugged it off, Not really having cared about it in the first place.

"Is everyone here?" Michael asked.

"They should be," John confirmed as he did a head count over the crowd. "They are."

Michael soon got to work on showing them the choreography. Myra stood back, sitting on the floor cross-legged as she watched. It was amazing to witness it all firsthand.

He took time to help whoever needed it, but they seemed to understand it. Occasionally one messed up but all it caused was a small ripple of laughter throughout the group.

After maybe an hour they had finished. The dancers either talked to one another or practiced the recently learned moves. Instead it was Michael's and Myra's turn to work on their part.

"Okay," John clapped his hands together as the two main stars stood in the center of the room. "You two are going to be watching a movie in a theaters. Myra, your character ends up getting scared and leaves, while Michael will go after you. Then you two will begin walking and the song will start."

John explained only a small part of it. He also handed them scripts that they would need to keep and bring each day. She flipped through it, Not really reading it but skimming through.

They both went to the page where the movie scene began. The first action was the camera panning on Michael eating popcorn while she hid behind him which Myra found slightly humorous.

"We'll start with Myra and go from there, got it?" John asked the two as he messed around with something they couldn't see. Both of them made noises of agreement.

"Can we get out of here?" Myra recited from the script, doing her best to sound believable.

"No, I'm enjoying it," Michael said his lines, sounding way better than what Myra sounded like saying hers.

"Well, I can't watch," Myra said. "Excuse me."

She acted like she walked away but she went about a few feet away. Michael quickly read the script and followed her in the direction she went.

"It's only a movie," Michael laughed as he stood in front of her.

"Its not funny," she insisted.

"You were scared, weren't you?" Michael laughed, making Myra break out into a smile.

"I wasn't that scared," Myra insisted with a laugh.

"Yeah, you were scared," Michael said and they finished.

When Michael finished his last phrase John played the instrumental to Thriller. He caught them both by surprise but Michael began to sing the words.

He made a few ridiculous faces that made Myra laugh. He urged her to sing along with him which she ended up doing. Michael ended up slightly surprised by her singing skills.

When the song had finished they started laughing. John applauded the two as he walked forward.

"That was amazing, but Myra, try and use more emotion. Same goes for you Michael. Now let's run it back to that same part," John instructed and they started the whole scene over again.

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