chapter ten.

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holy grail.

holy grail

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She dialed John's number in hopes that he would be with him. After all, he knew how to deal with stuff the best. He had to deal with it since he was a little kid.

The phone rang in her ear. It kept ringing and Myra was worried he wasn't going to pick up. Her worried were answered when she heard John's voice on the other end.

"Hello?" John asked into the phone.

"Hey," sighed Myra into the phone.

"Myra, how are you?" John inquired as he recognized who it was. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was wondering if Michael was with you," she asked, her leg bouncing close to a thousand times per second.

"No, he's not. He went home to his family, but I can give you their number," John offered. "He would be happy to hear from you."

"If he's with his family I don't want to disturb him. It would be really rude," Myra realized.

"Don't worry! We were riding in the car earlier today and He talked about you alot. Did you two really have sex?" John asked in surprise.

"First of all, we were both slightly drunk," Myra defended her and Michael.

John laughed. "It's happened to everyone. Back when I was in college, me and this girl got drunk together and-"

"John, were friends but sex life talk is off limits," Myra shut down the conversation.

"Oh, yeah, you need his number," John remembered the original purpose of the phone call. "You got a piece of paper and a pen?"

She grabbed the hotel notepad and a pen from a cup on desk. "Yeah," she answered.

John listed the number off to her slowly. She scribbled the number down, using her shoulder to hold the phone to her ear. She got the final number and put the pen down.

"Thanks," she said over the phone.

"No problem. Why do you need to talk to him anyway?" John asked curious about the situation.

"It's a long story," Myra said with a shake of her head.

"Well, I'll let you give him a call. Bye," John said his farewells and as did Myra before they both hung up the phone.

Next, for Myra was the hardest part. She didn't know what to say when she called. What if somebody else answered other than him?

She didn't put the number in very fast. Her mind raced with many different possibilities of what could happen with each number. When she finished dialing the number she mustered up the courage to actually put the phone to her ear and not hang up instantly.

She was close to hanging up by the fifth ring but somebody answered. It wasn't the calm voice of Michael but much rougher. He sounded as if he was in his elderly years to say the least.

"Hello?" The gruff voice asked over the phone, sounding as though he was made.about everything.

"Hi," Myra said shakily into the phone.

"Who is this?" He questioned.

"I'm Myra Bhatt," she answered his question. "I was wondering if Michael was there with you. A friend have me this number to reach him at."

"He's here," he answered. "Michael! You got a Myra Bhatt on the line for you!" He yelled into the house on the other end.

The phone was traded over to Michael. "Myra?" He asked in surprise.

"Hey. John gave me this number," she began. "but ever since you took me to the Grammys I'm on front pages of magazines and tabloids. I was followed to my hotel by a crowd of them and I don't know what to do."

"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop that from happening," Michael apologized over the phone. "Are they still there now?"

"I'd hope not. The employees here were trying to get rid of them last time I saw," she explained.

"That's good," Michael confirmed. "Ever since this morning I've been thinking about last night. It shouldn't have happened, but maybe we can get to know each other?"

"Are you asking me out because I just got in an argument with t is guy," Myra rambled.

"I guess I am," Michael laughed.

"Sure, I would like that," Myra agreed, a smile spreading across her face.

"How about tomorrow? I know a great place around here that we can go to," Michael offered.

"That's be great. What should I wear because I actually packed up better wardrobe options this time," she asked.

"A dress if you want," Michael shrugged.

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow," Myra laughed.

"Someone will pick you up because Janet says that I suck a driving," Michael confirmed. "Are you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Myra repeated before she hung up the phone.

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