chapter forty-seven.

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holy grail.

holy grail

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Myra couldn't eat. She couldnt sleep. She stayed inside the hotel room, calling Michael's phone since it was the only way she could hear his voice. She left voicemails that would never be answered by him again.

Myra had fallen back into an old habit of drowning out the pain with painkillers. Only they didn't help stop the grief from stabbing her heart. To try and help her sleep she began taking sleeping pills.

It had gotten to a point where no one had heard from her. Their calls went to voicemail and she never called back. Anaya, fed up with her sister not picking up, ending up going to find her. Instead she found her worst nightmare come true.

Anaya had felt time stand still. She thought it only happened in movies, but it was actually happening to her. She wasn't able to say a word as tears spilled from her eyes.

"Myra?" Anaya asked, taking slow steps to the body of her sister on the bed. "Come on, wake up."

She shook her gently but she didn't move. She only laid there, appearing to be asleep only she never woke up no matter how hard Anaya tried.

She eventually called 911 and told them her location. They dispatched an ambulance which they said would be there quickly.

When the ambulance did arrived they discovered her to have stopped breathing altogether. The laid her on the floor as they performed CPR, hoping to get her breathing started again.

Their efforts had failed. In hopes of still trying, she was taken to the hospital in the ambulance. She was taken to the same place her husband had died only a few days prior.

Anaya waited impatiently in the waiting room. She had attempted to call Katherine multiple times but ahe didn't answer. So she left a voicemail explaining the situation in hopes she would receive it.

She put the phone away just as a doctor came in her direction. His face held a somber expression, making him look to be the bearer of bad news.

"I'm sorry to say this, but Myra has passed away," he regretfully informed her.

Anaya instantly began to cry. She slumped in the waiting room chair tumbling for her phone. Her shaky hands dialed Katherine's number, and it rang. Anaya ended up on voicemail once again.

"M- Myra's dead," she managed to force out before she hung up the phone.

The television in the hospital was on the news. The scene was focused on the hospital where, once again, fans crowded around in hopes that the star was okay. It then switched to the face of a news reporter.

"We have just received word that the Queen of Pop Myra Jackson has died. She sadly passed away a few days after her husband. We will be here to update on this terrible tragedy," the news reporter assured.

They projected a picture of Myra on the screen. It was a photoshoot photoshoot of her that Anaya loved. She smiled as she was laying amongst a field of brightly colored flowers with her dogs Peach and Marbles by her side. It showed the Myra that she missed.

Michael's and Myra's funerals were combined into one. It was broadcasted on the television gaining millions of viewers.

They were placed in matching caskets. A bouquet of roses sat on top of each as they were in the middle of the Staples Center stage.

The entire Jackson-Bhatt family was on stage. They each spoke, but perhaps the most heartbreaking speech came from their eleven year old daughter.

"I just wanted to say that daddy and mommy have been the best parents you could ever imagine," she said into the microphone with tears falling, "and I just wanna say that I love them both so much."

It finally fell on Anaya's turn to speak.

"Ever since I was little I always loved my big sister. Whenever I fell she was there to pick me up again. I wasn't happy when she left for California, but I didn't say anything. I said terrible things about her while she was gone that I regret," Anaya began, "Anyway, she tried to call as much as she could. Even as her career took off she called to check on me. She had the biggest heart and you could see how happy Michael made her. I remember seeing her with boyfriends in high school, but none of them made her as happy as he did. She loved him with all of her heart and maybe even more than that. I just hope that my sister knew that I loved her. No matter how much trouble I caused, I always loved her."

She stepped away from the microphone, wiping the tears from her eyes. She couldn't imagine her sister wad actually gone.

They were buried beside one another. On their gravestones a king and queen crown were engraved above their names.

For they would always be the King and Queen of Pop.

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