January 9th, 2014-Thursday

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I wake up, its still completely dark outside. "Great another day at the prison we call school", I say "enthusiastically". I get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. No one talks as we eat. I leave the dishes in the sink for someone else to wash, I have enough problems today. As I climb in the old limo I start to cry. I cry for James, James's friends and family, my mom, and even myself.


As we pull up to the school I say a quick goodbye to Stephan and the old limo. Before I get out I look at Stephan and hold my eyes on him momentarily. He's a 17 year old high school drop out and I'm almost 14. Thats only like a 3 year difference. He's not to tall but not to short with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice tan. He's......hot, I think to myself. As I walk into school I start wondering why I've never known how cute he is.


I arrive inside and notice two huddles. One around a forced smile Katherine and the other around a crying Hazel. I run to the huddle around Hazel, drop everything I'm holding and bust into the huddle. "What the hell is going on?", I practically scream. Basilia pulls me aside. "What's going on? Why is Hazel crying and Katherine forcing a smile?", I ask more quietly this time. "Katherine's pregnant", Basilia whispers. "So what? We all knew this day wasn't far off. That doesn't explain why Hazel is crying", I say. "It's Bernard's baby", Basilia says. I freeze. "Missy, Missy", Basilia says as she shakes me. I clench my teeth then clench my hands into fists. I begin to shake uncontrollably and my face turns bright red. I feel the tears coming "NO! NOT YET TEARS", I say to myself. I storm over to where Katherine's huddle is. Bernard is sitting beside her. Both of them forcing smiles. I decide to point and yell at Katherine first. "Why the hell would you do something so damn evil? You knew Bernard was in a fucking relationship with Hazel and you fucking went and had fucking sex with him! He's not a toy! You don't date and dump him when you please! You especially don't have fucking sex with him whenever you fucking feel the ducking need! Especially when he has a fucking girlfriend!", I scream at Katherine. She begins to cry but I have no sympathy for her. I point at Bernard. "And you, what the hell were you fucking thinking? Your gonna let Katherine do what she pleases with you like your some kind of fucking doll?! How could you go have fucking sex with that evil bitch? You WERE dating the sweetest most kind person on this fucking planet! I would expect a whole fucking more out of you!", I scream at him. "And I don't mean I fucking baby", I say under my breath. I turn away just has Chloe and Basilia come to retrieve me.


The rest of the day was a blur. We didn't do anything important at school. I sit and wait for the bell to ring. When it finally does I grab all my stuff and run to the new limo. I don't even say goodbye to anyone. "Where are we going?", Stephan asks. "Go to the hospital first after that I don't care just drive somewhere we can be alone", I say. "Ok but when you say we can be alone do you wanna.........kiss?", he asks. "Sure why not? I need to get my mind off things", I say. "K", he says as he winks at me. We start driving.


I walk into James's room. Slowly I walk to to where he lays in bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and just look at him. I lean over and kiss his forehead. He twitches. "Oh my gosh", I whisper. I kiss him on the forehead again. He twitches again. "Holy shit", I whisper. Finally I decide on something else. I lean over and slowly kiss him on the lips. His eyes flutter open then open wide. "Missy", he says in a whisper. "James", I say and kiss him again. I start to cry as I yell for doctors, nurses, anybody. The room quickly fills and I'm ushered out. "Missy", James calls after me. "James", I call back urgently wanting to be with him. I sit in the waiting room and wait and wait and wait for hours. Eventually my eyes start to flutter and I fall asleep.

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