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The next day was the day I had to leave my family and head back to Los Angeles. I had already packed my bags the night prior and my clothes that I was going to wear today already lied out on my bed. 

It was a Mickey Mouse crop top, blue jeans, and sandals. This outfit was one of my favorite outfits ever!   That morning, I had woken up before everyone else and got myself ready. I did my hygiene routine, brushed my hair, washed my face, and put on my outfit. Then, I made me some breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios and some orange juice. As I sat down at the kitchen table, I chewed slowly and thought about my family; about the good times we've had with each other this week. Now, it was all in the past, and time finally caught up with me. 

I looked at my luggage sitting by the front door. I was pretty hesitant on leaving but I had to get back to my job and back to my friends. My sighs caused me to drop my spoon into the pool of milk in my bowl. I was already full from the massive mound of Cheerios I put in my bowl, so I got up and poured the milk down the drain of the sink. 

After a few minutes of eating and getting my stuff together, I heard my parents and Carter get up and come into the kitchen. I assumed they already knew that I was up. They already had their clothes on. 

"Good morning. What are you guys doing up so early?" I asked with a pearly white smile. 

"Well, sweetie, we had to get up around the same time you did because, remember, we have drop you off at the airport." my mother replied. 

"Oh, duh. How could I forget about you guys dropping me off?" I laughed.

My parents laughed at me and my clumsiness. 

"The time we have to be there is around 12 o'clock noon. So, we have to leave right about now which is...11:12 am, and your plane departs at 12:30 pm. So, we gotta go in a few minutes." my dad added, checking his watch. 

"Okay, then. I already got my luggage packed and I made sure I didn't leave anything. So, it would be a good idea to leave now." I insisted. 

My parents agreed and we made the final decision to leave now so I can make it there at a good time.

While we were in the car, I was checking my Instagram to see if anything new was up with my friends. 

"Kira, who's that? Your boyfriend?" my little brother, who was sitting next to me, asked. Being the nice sister I am, I just told him that it was just a friend. He's always just so nosy. 

"It's just a friend, Carter. I don't have a boyfriend." I told him nicely, but internally, I was pretty annoyed. 

"Oh, okay." he replied and turned the other way to look out the window at the upcoming airport. 

The airport actually isn't that far from our house. It's only about 30 minutes away give or take. 


Minutes and minutes following, we were at the airport at the departure lounge and we sat on a bench. It was only about 20 minutes until I had to be let go to get on the plane.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Kira." my brother said, with a sad face. He was sitting next to me. He put his head on my shoulder. 

"Aw, don't be sad about it, Carter. She'll be back soon." my dad tried comforting him. Carter lifted up his head and smiled. 

"Yeah, baby. You'll see her again sometime. Whenever she's able to make it back around here." Mom added. 

I put my arm around my brother and said,"Of course. I'll be FaceTiming you, texting you, and calling you on mom's phone or until you get your own phone someday, okay?" 

Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now